While trying to implement Tibco JMS messaging in PHP via Zend Java Bridge I'm doing a standard procedure like:

$factory = java('com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsConnectionFactory', $srv);
$connection = $factory->createConnection($usr, $pwd);

$t = new java('javax.jms.Session');
$session = $connection->createSession(false, $t->AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

$destination = $session->createQueue($qName);

And on the last line of this fragment I get the following exception:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: createQueue

The createQueue method is a part of the Session interface that is implemented by the class of my $session object (supposed to be in that way). When I do the same in pure Java, everything works just fine, so I suspect Zend Java Bridge lacking functionality of calling interface methods. Has anyone dealt with a similar problem before, and are there any workarounds (except implementing the whole logic in Java and calling it from PHP)?


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