Server: Domino 8.5.3 / Window 2003 5.2

We have a strange Problem. Since a few days, we cannot apply changes to our XPage application. Even, if we make some few text changes and open the application, the changes are not displayed. We looked into the generated XPage-Java-classes, here we can see, that the changes were applied to these classes.

Also, we tried to create a new Test-XPage, but if we open this xpage, the error "404 item not found" is displayed.

We also tried this http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21327454 but it doesn't help....

We have already restarted the http task and the server.


1 回答 1


看起来很像您的 XPage 不再编译。您可以通过在 Domino Designer 中打开 Navigator 视图并检查 webContent/web-inf/classes 来检查。每个 XPage 都转换为一个 Java 类,而且似乎已经停止。您可以尝试项目菜单选项“清理”,如果构建器已被禁用或丢失,您想右键单击 nsf 并检查项目属性。下一站:重新安装 Designer。由于编译发生在 Designer 中,因此您需要查看

于 2013-06-04T10:46:24.870 回答