is there a possibility to only use the frontend part of meteor and serve the files via a static vanish server?

I want to build a web app which uses an existing PHP REST API, but I lice the reactivity and the tempting of meteor, which I can get with the Session variable.

If there is a simple way to separate the frontend parts from the back so that I can easily serve them, would be awesome. Especially the web socket is not needed. Because there will be no after connection to the deliver server.


1 回答 1




如果您喜欢 DOM 反应性并且所有数据都在本地托管/您想从 php 中获取它想在静态应用程序中使用它,例如angularreact可以帮助您。

另一个是您可以使用应用程序的已部署实例并将其存储在静态/清漆服务器上。但是使用 DDP 让服务器中继数据。见http://arunoda.me/blog/hosting-meteor-apps-as-a-client.html

于 2013-06-04T10:28:56.727 回答