我在服务器端休息 API 中有以下 LINQ 查询,但它与现有记录不匹配:
var existing = (from p in context.GameAction
where p.GameId == gameId
&& p.GameDate == gameDate
&& p.GamePlayerId == playerId
&& p.ActionTypeId == actionTypeId
&& p.PrevBoardPosition == prevBoardposition
&& (p.ActionTargetId == null || p.ActionTargetId == actionTargetId)
select p).FirstOrDefault();
if (existing == null)
// create new action record...
// Update existing game action record...
int gameId = 34
DateTime gameDate = {03/05/2013 00:00:00}
int actionTypeId = 1
int? prevBoardposition = null
int? actionTargetId = 52
并且存在具有这些值的记录(但查询返回 null):
GameActionId ActionTypeId GameId GameDate GamePlayerId ActionTargetId PrevBoardPosition MoveCount
2125 1 34 2013-05-03 220 NULL NULL 13
生成的等效 SQL 应该是这样的(并且这确实正确返回了上述记录):
SELECT [GameActionId]
FROM [dbo].[GameAction]
where [GameId]=34 and [GamePlayerId] = 220
and [GameDate] = '20130503'
and [ActionTypeId]=1
and ([PrevBoardPosition] is null or [ActionTargetId]=52)
生成的发送到服务器的 SQL 查询是:
[Extent1].[GameActionId] AS [GameActionId],
[Extent1].[ActionTypeId] AS [ActionTypeId],
[Extent1].[GameId] AS [GameId],
[Extent1].[GameDate] AS [GameDate],
[Extent1].[GamePlayerId] AS [GamePlayerId],
[Extent1].[ActionTargetId] AS [ActionTargetId],
[Extent1].[PrevBoardPosition] AS [PrevBoardPosition],
[Extent1].[MoveCount] AS [MoveCount]
FROM [dbo].[GameAction] AS [Extent1]
WHERE ([Extent1].[GameId] = @p__linq__0) AND ([Extent1].[GameDate] = @p__linq__1) AND ([Extent1].[GamePlayerId] = @p__linq__2) AND ([Extent1].[ActionTypeId] = @p__linq__3) AND ([Extent1].[PrevBoardPosition] = @p__linq__4) AND ([Extent1].[ActionTargetId] = @p__linq__5 OR [Extent1].[ActionTargetId] IS NULL)