Fragment.onCreateAnimator(int, boolean, int)方法的整个文档由以下文本组成:





2 回答 2



public Animator onCreateAnimator(int transit, boolean enter, int nextAnim)

int transit- 过渡类型,正如上面所说的sandrstar

boolean enter- 如果“进入”则为真,否则为假

int nextAnim-即将播放的动画的资源 ID。


// Create and commit a new fragment transaction that adds the fragment for the back of
// the card, uses custom animations, and is part of the fragment manager's back stack.
BackOfCardFragment backFragment = new BackOfCardFragment();


    // Replace the default fragment animations with animator resources representing
    // rotations when switching to the back of the card, as well as animator
    // resources representing rotations when flipping back to the front (e.g. when
    // the system Back button is pressed).
         R.animator.card_flip_right_in, R.animator.card_flip_right_out,
         R.animator.card_flip_left_in, R.animator.card_flip_left_out)

    // Replace any fragments currently in the container view with a fragment
    // representing the next page (indicated by the just-incremented currentPage
    // variable).
    .replace(R.id.container_view, backFragment)

    // Add this transaction to the back stack, allowing users to press Back
    // to get to the front of the card.

    // Commit the transaction.

注意:上面示例中的 R.id.container_view 是 ViewGroup 的 ID,其中包含您尝试替换的现有片段。


起初这似乎并没有立即有用,因为它没有为您提供可以附加侦听器的实际 Animator 对象的引用。但奇怪的是,您可以直接从nextAnim资源中为另一个 Animator 充气,然后将侦听器附加到该资源上,奇怪的是,这将在正确的时间触发所有覆盖的回调:

public Animator onCreateAnimator(int transit, boolean enter, int nextAnim) {
    Animator animator = null;
    // In this example, i want to add a listener when the card_flip_right_in animation
    // is about to happen.
    if (nextAnim == R.animator.card_flip_right_in) {
        animator = AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(getActivity(), nextAnim);
        // * Sometimes onCreateAnimator will be called and nextAnim will be 0, 
        //   causing animator to be null.
        // * I wanted to add a listener when the fragment was entering - 
        //   your use case may be different.
        if (animator != null && enter) {

            animator.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
                public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
                   // Do something when the card flip animation begins

                public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                   // Do something as soon as the card flip animation is over

                public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {

                public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {
    return animator;


于 2013-12-09T21:00:48.170 回答

基于FragmentManager代码和FragmentManagerImpl.loadAnimator(android.app.Fragment,int,boolean,int)的用法,似乎Fragment.onCreateAnimator(int, boolean, int)允许您定义自己的动画来隐藏、显示、更改状态。但是,我从未在真正的应用程序中看到过使用它。


  • int transit- 转换类型(常量FragmentTransaction,例如在这里使用);
  • boolean enter-true如果是状态输入,则为 false - 否则;
  • int transitionStyle- 来自资源的样式 id(该样式可能包含从 中遗漏的动画onCreateAnimator);
于 2013-06-04T05:59:08.670 回答