我有一个要在我的网站中实施的星级评分脚本。当我将 require once 脚本插入我的页面时,它会将结果显示为空白页面。代码如下:

<?php require_once("ratings.php"); $rr = new RabidRatings(); ?>



<?php $rr->showStars("anotherGreatArticle"); ?> 


include "admin/configuration/config.php"; 
include "admin/configuration/main_class.php"; 

function en_string($str){
    return strtolower (str_replace(" ", "_",trim($str)));

function de_string($str){
    return str_replace("_", " ", trim($str));

$id = en_string($_GET['id']);
$id2 = en_string($_GET['id2']);

$path = "../";
if ($id2){
    $sql =  "SELECT * FROM fh_categories AS a JOIN fh_subcategories AS b ON a.fh_Cid=b.fh_Cid JOIN fh_software AS c ON b.fh_SCid=c.fh_SCid JOIN fh_version AS d ON d.fh_Sid=c.fh_Sid WHERE d.fh_Sid='$id' and d.fh_Vid='$id2' " ;
    $path = "../../";
    $sql =  "SELECT * FROM fh_categories AS a JOIN fh_subcategories AS b ON a.fh_Cid=b.fh_Cid JOIN fh_software AS c ON b.fh_SCid=c.fh_SCid JOIN fh_version AS d ON d.fh_Sid=c.fh_Sid WHERE d.fh_Vfront=1 and d.fh_Sid='$id'" ;

$query1 = mysql_query($sql);
$rec =  mysql_fetch_array($query1);
$cid = $rec['fh_Cid'];
$scid = $rec['fh_SCid'];
$sid = $rec['fh_Sid'];
$description = $rec['fh_Sdescription'];
$technical = $rec['fh_Vtechnical'];
$changelog = $rec['fh_VchangeLog'];
$caption = $rec['fh_Sid'];
$company = $rec['fh_Scompany'];
$homepage = $rec['fh_Shomepage'];
$icon = $rec['fh_Sicon'];
$version = $rec['fh_Vcaption'];
$shot = $rec['fh_Vscreenshot'];
$size = $rec['fh_Vsize'];
$license = $rec['fh_Vlicense'];
$extension = $rec['fh_Vextension'];
$platform = $rec['fh_Vplatform'];
$did = $rec['fh_Did'];
$date = strftime("%d %b %Y", $rec['fh_Vdate']);
$language ="English";

for ($i=0; $i<(strlen($shot));$i++){
    if ($shot[$i] !=';'){
        $screenshot[$j] .=$shot[$i]; 

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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta style="visibility: hidden !important; display: block !important; width: 0px !important; height: 0px !important; border-style: none !important;"><object id="__IDM__" type="application/x-idm-downloader" width="1" height="1" style="visibility: hidden !important; display: block !important; width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; border-style: none !important; position: absolute !important; top: 0px !important; left: 0px !important;"></object></meta>


我从这里拿了这个脚本:http: //msteigerwalt.com/widgets/ratings/v1.5/


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