using (pbDialog = new pbDialogs())
ProgressBar = new frmProgress(this, false);
ProgressBar.SetProgressLabelText("Inventory Data");
MessageBox.Show("Set progress label text to Inventory data");
typeProgress = (int) ProgressStates.ProgressQRY;
ProgressBar.label1.Text += " (Receiving)";
if (pbDialog != null)
MessageBox.Show("pbDialog is not null");
//pbDialog.ShowDialog(ProgressBar, this);
MessageBox.Show("pbDialog IS null");
ProgressBar = null;
MessageBox.Show("Made it to compressDB()");
. . .
我看到“将进度标签文本设置为库存数据”,然后“ pbDialog 不为空”,然后“将其设置为 compressDB() ”
那里没什么奇怪的;但是如果我取消注释上面注释的行,我只会看到“ pbDialog is not null ”
由于对 ShowDialog() 的调用,它因某种原因挂起;不过,真正奇怪的是,这会阻止显示“将进度标签文本设置为库存数据”。为什么会这样?
是的,将 ShowDialog() 与 pbDialog 一起使用是原始编码员默默无闻地练习工作保障的众多示例之一 - 但后来他[不幸] skedaddled,在他身后留下一个没有评论的意大利面条/蛋壳代码的污水池、误导性的名字和各种奇怪的、令人费解的、违反直觉的做法,据说他认为女巫酿造是优雅设计和巧妙技巧的杰作。
pbDialog 是一个类 (pbDialogs) 的实例。只是为了让您体验一下这一切是多么令人毛骨悚然、令人费解和纠结,这里是那门课:
public class pbDialogs : IDisposable
private static Form m_top;
public pbDialogs()
} // pbDialogs Constructor
public static void Activate( Form form )
form.Capture = true;
IntPtr hwnd = OpenNETCF.Win32.Win32Window.GetCapture();
form.Capture = false;
OpenNETCF.Win32.Win32Window.SetForegroundWindow( hwnd );
} // Activate
/// <summary>
/// This method makes ShowDialog work the way I want, I think.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Here is what it does:
/// 1. Sets the caption of the new window to the same as the caller's.
/// 2. Clears the caption of the parent so it won't show up in the task list.
/// 3. When the ShowDialog call returns, brings the previous window
/// back to the foreground.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="dialog"></param>
/// <param name="parent"></param>
public void ShowDialog( Form dialog, Control parent )
Control top = parent.TopLevelControl;
string caption = top.Text;
dialog.Text = caption;
top.Text = "--pending--"; // Don't show parent in task list
dialog.Activated += new EventHandler( form_Activated );
dialog.Closed += new EventHandler( form_Closed );
m_top = dialog; // New top-most form
m_top = (Form)top; // The top dialog just changed
dialog.Activated -= new EventHandler( form_Activated );
dialog.Closed -= new EventHandler( form_Closed );
top.Text = caption; // Make visible in task list again
Activate( (Form)top ); // And make it the active window
} // ShowDialog
/// <summary>
/// If one of our other windows, such as the main window,
/// receives an activate event, it will activate the current
/// top-most window instead.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private static void form_Activated( object sender, EventArgs e )
if( (m_top != null) && !(sender == m_top) ) // Is this the top-most window?
Activate( m_top ); // No, activate the top dialog
} // form_Activated
private static void form_Closed( object sender, EventArgs e )
m_top = null; // When you close the top dialog, it's not top anymore
} // form_Closed
#region IDisposable Members
public void Dispose()
// TODO: Add pbDialogs.Dispose implementation
} // class pbDialogs
还有一个“相关的”ProgressBar——一种与 pbDialogs 共享文件的表单,其实例变量在包含上述代码的文件中定义:
public static frmProgress ProgressBar;
这可能表明该代码/项目是多么的松鼠:我将在注释掉几行后新建一个,文件大小将从 400KB 更改为 408,或从 412 更改为 408,等等。 .exe 以如此小的变化改变这么大的大小(在相对意义上)是不正常的行为,是吗?
更新 2
这在 frmProgress (它同时具有“公共类 frmProgress : System.Windows.Forms.Form”和“公共类 pbDialogs : IDisposable”)让我害怕:
using System.Windows.Forms;
using OpenNETCF.Windows.Forms;