I'm working on Mac OSX, and using bash in terminal. The machine has 8GB of RAM. I don't know why I am getting a segment fault 11 for this code. From my three weeks of experience, I usually get them form having too much memory being requested. But I am only asking for 5, 200 entry arrays. Does this have something to do with opening and reading text files?
What could to make the program run, as is? Is malloc relevant to this? Thanks for any help you can offer.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(){
double Mj[200]={0};
double Ma[200]={0};
double Cj[200]={0};
double Ca[200]={0};
double index[200]={0};
FILE *Matlab;
Matlab = fopen("TestbedComp.txt","r");
FILE *Cprog;
Cprog = fopen("results.txt","r");
int j = 0;
while( fscanf(Matlab,"%lf, %lf, %lf", &index[j], &Mj[j], &Ma[j]) == 3 ){
printf("%lf, %lf, %lf\n", index[j], Mj[j], Ma[j]);
j = 0;
while( fscanf(Cprog,"%lf, %lf, %lf", &index[j], &Cj[j], &Ca[j]) == 3 ){
printf("%lf, %lf, %lf\n", index[j], Cj[j], Ca[j]);
double pej[200]={0};
for (j=0; j<200; j++) {
pej[j] = fabs(Mj[j]-Cj[j])/Mj[j];
double pea[200]={0};
for (j=0; j<200; j++) {
pea[j] = fabs(Ma[j]-Ca[j])/Ma[j];
FILE *out;
out = fopen("PercentError.txt","w");
for (j=0; j<200; j++) {
fprintf(out,"%.15lf, %.15lf, %.15lf \n", index[j], pej[j], pea[j]);
return 0;