I want to add a buy now button to my website. I already have a cart system and I need to send all the items to checkout with Paypal buy now button. A few years back I remember using the buy button with a form and I could set multiple items by specifying multiple hidden inputs like:

<input type="hidden" name="item_name_1" value="item name 1">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name_2" value="item name 2">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name_n" value="item name n">

Now with the new buy button JS API I can't seem to do that anymore. Am I missing something here? How can I add a buy button for multiple items?


1 回答 1


您仍然可以使用 HTML 表单来创建按钮并使用上传命令。

除非您修改关联的 JavaScript 文件,否则 JavaScript 按钮当前不可用于上传命令。Mini-Cart 确实使用了上传功能。如果您想看看它可能会为您提供您所追求的功能。“PayPal 付款按钮”页面应该有一个指向它的链接。

于 2013-06-05T13:42:53.083 回答