<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:TestShape}">
<RelativeSource AncestorType="{x:Type root:Viewport}" x:Key="Viewport"/>
<root:BezierScaleConvertor x:Key="BezierScaleConvertor" />
<MultiBinding Converter="???"> <----------- Here I don't know how to refer to the member ConvertPoint which is a convertor in Viewport, if I use dynamicResource or Binding, it will raise an exception because it's not a DP.
<Binding Path="StartPoint" />
<Binding Path="ScaleX" RelativeSource="{StaticResource Viewport}"/>
<Binding Path="ScaleY" RelativeSource="{StaticResource Viewport}" />
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource BezierScaleConvertor}">
<Binding Path="Segments" />
<Binding Path="ScaleX" RelativeSource="{StaticResource Viewport}" />
<Binding Path="ScaleY" RelativeSource="{StaticResource Viewport}" />