Note: Running windows7X64

I want to use some audio functions I have seen allot for python 2.7 like snack and such, however I'm using python 3.3. I have come across pygame.py that has some audio functions however pygame doesn't support 64bit arch yet.

So can it be done? if not do we know of any python audio integration modules that can get the job done on python 3 with a 64bit arch

Yes I can just install python 3 32bit but that seems counterproductive and unnecessarily complicated.

Thanks Ben


2 回答 2


Have you tried this?

$ defaults write com.apple.versioner.python Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes

Edit: For the sake of sharing information, this will work (at least from my experience) on a Mac; however, it will not work on a Windows.

于 2013-06-03T13:00:34.850 回答

You'll have to install 32-bit Python to run 32-bit extension modules. In my experience, two Python installations can live side-by-side quite nicely on Windows, as long as you make sure your environment (PYTHONPATH esp.) is set properly.

于 2013-06-03T15:33:32.360 回答