如果您想保留一些其他查询字符串参数,此代码也可以工作。它删除页面值,添加新页面值并构建分页控件 html。
它使用 Twitter 引导样式:http: //twitter.github.io/bootstrap/components.html#pagination
Response.Write PagingControl(10, 30, "?field-keywords=whatever&page=7")
Public Function RemoveEmptyQueryStringParameters(strQueryString)
If IsNullOrEmpty(strQueryString) Then Exit Function
Dim strNewQueryString: strNewQueryString = ""
strQueryString = Replace(strQueryString, "&", "&")
strQueryString = Replace(strQueryString, "?", "&")
Dim arrQueryString: arrQueryString = Split(strQueryString ,"&")
For i=0 To UBound(arrQueryString)
strTempParameter = Left( arrQueryString(i), Instr( arrQueryString(i) & "=", "=" ) - 1 )
strTempParameterValue = Right( arrQueryString(i), Len( arrQueryString(i) ) - InstrRev( arrQueryString(i), "=" ) )
If Not IsNullOrEmpty(strTempParameterValue) Then
strNewQueryString = strNewQueryString & "&" & arrQueryString(i)
End If
If InStr(strNewQueryString,"&") = 1 Then
strNewQueryString = "?" & Right(strNewQueryString, Len(strNewQueryString) - 1)
End If
strNewQueryString = Replace(strNewQueryString, "&", "&")
Erase arrQueryString
Set arrQueryString = Nothing
RemoveEmptyQueryStringParameters = Trim(strNewQueryString)
End Function
Public Function AddQueryStringParameter(ByVal strQueryString, ByVal strParameter, ByVal strValue)
Dim strNewQueryString: strNewQueryString = ""
strNewQueryString = Replace(strQueryString, "&", "&")
strNewQueryString = Replace(strNewQueryString, "?", "&")
strNewQueryString = strNewQueryString & "&" & strParameter & "=" & strValue
If InStr(strNewQueryString,"&") = 1 Then
strNewQueryString = "?" & Right(strNewQueryString, Len(strNewQueryString) - 1)
End If
strNewQueryString = Replace(strNewQueryString, "&", "&")
AddQueryStringParameter = Trim(strNewQueryString)
End Function
Public Function PagingControl(ByVal intPage, ByVal intPageCount, ByVal strQueryString)
If intPageCount <= 1 Then
PagingControl = ""
Exit Function
End If
strQueryString = RemoveEmptyQueryStringParameters(strQueryString)
strQueryString = RemoveQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page")
Dim strQueryStringPaging: strQueryStringPaging = ""
Dim strHtml: strHtml = "<div class=""pagination""><ul>"
If cInt(intPage) > 1 Then
strQueryStringPaging = AddQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page", "1")
strHtml = strHtml & "<li><a href=""" & strWebSiteUrl & strQueryStringPaging & """>Anfang</a></li>"
strQueryStringPaging = AddQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page", CInt(intPage - 1))
strHtml = strHtml & "<li><a href=""" & strWebSiteUrl & strQueryStringPaging & """>< Zurück</a></li>"
strHtml = strHtml & "<li class=""disabled""><a href=""#"">Anfang</a></li>" & _
"<li class=""disabled""><a href=""#"">< Zurück</a></li>"
End If
Dim intPagesToShow: intPagesToShow = 10
If intPageCount >= intPagesToShow Then
If Cint(intPage)>Int(intPagesToShow/2) Then
If Cint(intPage)>(intPageCount-Int(intPagesToShow/2)) Then
intStart = intPageCount-intPagesToShow
intEnd = intPageCount
intStart = intPage-Int(intPagesToShow/2)
intEnd = intPage+Int(intPagesToShow/2)
End If
intStart = 1
intEnd = intPagesToShow
End If
End If
If intStart=0 Then
End If
For i = intStart To intEnd
If Cint(intPage)=i Then
strHtml = strHtml & "<li class=""active""><a href=""" & strWebSiteUrl & strQueryStringPaging & """>" & i & "</a></li>"
strQueryStringPaging = AddQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page", Cint(i))
strHtml = strHtml & "<li><a href=""" & strWebSiteUrl & strQueryStringPaging & """>" & i & "</a></li>"
End If
If cInt(intPage) < cInt(intPageCount) Then
strQueryStringPaging = AddQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page", CInt(intPage + 1))
strHtml = strHtml & "<li><a href=""" & strWebSiteUrl & strQueryStringPaging & """>Vorwärts ></a></li>"
strQueryStringPaging = AddQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page", Cint(intPageCount))
strHtml = strHtml & "<li><a href=""" & strWebSiteUrl & strQueryStringPaging & """>Ende</a></li>"
strHtml = strHtml & "<li class=""disabled""><a href=""#"">Vorwärts ></a></li>" & _
"<li class=""disabled end""><a href=""#"">Ende</a></li>"
End If
strHtml = strHtml & "</ul></div>"
PagingControl = Trim(strHtml)
End Function