我已经下载了 sharelock 库文件,现在我已经创建了新项目。当我要添加这个库时,它在控制台中给了我这样的错误
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list,<br>
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] but not all the versions are identical (check is based on SHA-1 only at this time).<br>
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time.<br>
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] Versions found are:<br>
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] Path: D:\AndroidTool\workspace\librarySharelock\libs\android-support-v4.jar<br>
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] Length: 271754<br>
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] SHA-1: 53307dc2bd2b69fd5533458ee11885f55807de4b<br>
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] Path: D:\AndroidTool\workspace\SharelockDeemo\libs\android-support-v4.jar<br>
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] Length: 484258<br>
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] SHA-1: bd6479f5dd592790607e0504e66e0f31c2b4d308<br>
[2013-06-03 04:49:41 - SharelockDeemo] Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies<br>