I have looked through some of the similar threads but could not find answer to my problem.

My liferay tomcat server was working fine, including the hot deploy, until i changed the server.xml to add some new resources. After restarting the server, adding new wars in the deploy folder does not create the exploded folders in the webapps folder. The server does not even recognize then as I don't even see anything on the server console. Here is the relevant part from my server.xml:

<Host appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="true" deployXML="false"
      name="localhost" unpackWARs="true" xmlNamespaceAware="false" 

Please let me know if any other info is needed. Appreciate your help!


1 回答 1

  • 你在 server.xml 中做了什么改变?(您只提供一个版本,可能在您更改之后)
  • 你以什么用户身份运行tomcat?是否有可能您之前确实以不同的用户(可能是 root)身份运行了 tomcat?在这种情况下:检查 liferay 的“deploy”文件夹以及 tomcat 的“webapps”、“temp”、“logs”和“work”文件夹的所有权和权限。

如果 Liferay/Tomcat 不能读写“deploy”文件夹,它不会部署任何东西

编辑:另外,检查您是否移动了 Tomcat/Liferay 安装。Liferay 的portal-setup-wizard.properties(如果你有这个)有一个设置liferay.home- 这指向 Liferay 期望deploy文件夹的目录。如果您将安装移动到另一个位置但保持此文件不变,Liferay 仍将监控旧位置(包括文档库和全文索引的旧存储)

于 2013-06-03T12:18:19.567 回答