Have anyone done this?

I think this could be a major deal breaker if you need to modify all your JS code to work with later versions of Dojo to be able to upgrade your servers.

I have an application that doesn't work, out of the box, on Dojo 1.8x and need to use the same Dojo version as the old Domino 8.5.3 server does (1.6.1).

When I check the JS-catalog only dojo-1.5.2 is available (for some odd reason). Setting xsp.client.script.dojo.version, in the application, = 1.5.2 will load this version but it seems to be missing everything from XPages - the catalog doesn't contain anything related to XPages, it's missing the ibm-folder.

What do I need to do to make an XPages application use Dojo 1.6.1 on a Domino 9 box, the same way a Domino 8.5.3 box does?




3 回答 3


Dojo 1.6.1 通过插件部署在 Domino 8.5 上。您应该可以从 Domino 8.x 安装中复制它,或者,如果您已经升级,它可能仍然存在。它应该在 \osgi\shared\eclipse\plugins 中。这就是文件需要添加到 R9 的地方。应该是com.ibm.xsp.dojo_...,是R9版本的格式。

于 2013-06-03T10:11:29.677 回答

正如 Paul Stephen Withers 所写,您可以尝试将 Domino\osgi\shared\eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.xsp.dojo_8.5.3.20120628-0936.jar 插件复制到 R9,然后设置属性 xsp.client.script.dojo .version 到 1.6.1。

但我建议您尝试在 1.8 dojo 中运行您的应用程序。这个版本与以前的版本非常兼容,移植 1.6 代码应该没有太多工作。我从这里的经验说 - 我们设法在几天内移植了相当大的应用程序。

于 2013-06-03T10:30:24.567 回答

我最终做的是从 JAR 中提取 DOJO 1.6.1 目录并手动将其复制到正确的目录中(使用与已安装版本相同的命名约定)。

于 2015-02-05T10:41:18.753 回答