我正在编写一个 Windows Phone 8 应用程序。我看到以下错误: System.Windows.ni.dll 中出现“System.OutOfMemoryException”类型的第一次机会异常 我已经划分了导致此错误的代码,但我无法修复它。请随时帮助我

public void getTheWholeChapter(string startbooknum, string startchapter)
        System.Uri uri = new Uri("http://api.seek-first.com/v1/BibleSearch.php?type=lookup&appid=seekfirst&startbooknum=" + startbooknum + "&startchapter=" + startchapter + "&startverse=1&endbooknum=" + startbooknum + "&endchapter=" + startchapter + "&endverse=5000000&version=KJV");
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        OpenReadCompletedEventHandler orceh = new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(GetTheData);
        client.OpenReadCompleted += orceh;

    private void GetTheData(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
        if (e.Error == null)
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(e.Result);
            string stringXML = reader.ReadToEnd().ToString();

            ListBox tb = new ListBox();
            //tb.IsGroupingEnabled = true;
            //tb.HideEmptyGroups = true;
            //tb.LayoutMode = LongListSelectorLayoutMode.List;
            tb.FontSize = 25;
            List<TextBlock> listOfVerses = new List<TextBlock>();

            //get the deatails from the 
            if (stringXML != "" && stringXML != null)
                XDocument root = XDocument.Parse("<Document>" + stringXML.Replace("></a>", "/></a>") + "</Document>");
                var ResultsX = from Results in root.Descendants("Result")
                               select Results;
                foreach (var Result in ResultsX)
                    listOfVerses.Add(new TextBlock()
                        Text = Result.Element("Chapter").Value + ":" + Result.Element("Verse").Value + "  " + Result.Element("Text").Value,
                        TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap,

            tb.ItemsSource = listOfVerses;
            ((PivotItem)this.chaptersPivot.Items[chaptersPivot.SelectedIndex]).Content = tb;

            //handle this
        //throw new NotImplementedException();

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