这是我想提出的示例请求,以从 TABLE1 和 TABLE2 中获取匹配结果

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:urn="urn:my:functions">
         <!--You may enter the following 50 items in any order-->
            <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

            <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


我正在尝试使用 TCLWS 包使用以下 TCL 代码模拟此 SOAP GUI 请求

package require WS::Client
package require WS::Utils

set wsdlInfo [::WS::Client::GetAndParseWsdl "https://mytablesurl.com"]
# The parsing happens successfully

# But making a request as below throws me errors
set argList {TABLE1 {item {FIELD1 %}} TABLE1_FLAG Y TABLE2 {item {FIELD1 %}} TABLE2_FLAG Y}
puts [::WS::Client::DoCall MY_TABLESService MY_TABLES $argList]


can't read "simpleTypes(Client,Z_OSS_RFC_TABLESService,TABLE1)": no such element in array
    while executing
"set xns $simpleTypes($mode,$service,$typeName)"
    (procedure "convertDictToType" line 30)
    invoked from within
"convertDictToType $mode $service $doc $retNode $resultValue $itemType"
    (procedure "::WS::Utils::convertDictToType" line 196)
    invoked from within
"::WS::Utils::convertDictToType Client $serviceName $doc $reply $argList $xns:$msgType $forceNs"
    (procedure "buildDocLiteralCallquery" line 81)
    invoked from within
"buildDocLiteralCallquery $serviceName $operationName $url $argList"
    (procedure "buildCallquery" line 16)
    invoked from within
"buildCallquery $serviceName $operationName $url $argList"
    invoked from within
"::WS::Client::DoCall MY_TABLESService MY_TABLES $argList"
    invoked from within

如何将这些参数传递给 ::WS::Client::DoCall?


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