This is going to be a long one. I have an assignment I have been working on and I have been having issues. I have a ton of code and I am not quite sure how to get it to function properly if at all with what I am trying to do. I will post the sections and maybe some of you can see that I am trying to keep this in JavaScript only and not jQuery or pHp or anything else, keep seeing that as responses.

First part: html code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<title>Currency Converter 2.0</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="currency.css">
<script src="currency1.js">

<h1>Currency Converter</h1>
<p>Enter Dollar Amount</p>
  <input type="text" id="currencyTextInput" size="40" placeholder="For example 12.12">
  <input type="submit" id="addButton" value="Enter">
  <li id="money0"></li>//these names are not final,
  <li id="money1"></li>//I know i will need to change them
  <li id="money2"></li>
  <li id="money3"></li>
  <li id="money4"></li>

second part: .js file

window.onload = function () {
var button = document.getElementById("addButton");
button.onclick = handleButtonClick;

var exchangeRate = []; 
//this will be later one in the code, but aiming to have data pushed in here from objects

function handleButtonClick(e) {
var textInput = document.getElementById("currencyTextInput");
var moneyString = textInput.value;
var parsedMoney = parseFloat(moneyString);
var valid = !isNaN(parsedMoney);

if (!valid) {
        alert("Please, enter a valid number");
} else {
    //planning on using this part to list my results in a bullet list   

So with testing that part works with my html code, minus the else. the rest of my code with my methods. this is where I am having issues. I can do one method and have it work, but I have 5 that I am to get the info from.

function GetCurrency(name, cRate) {
this.name = name;
this.c_rate = c_rate;
this.convert = function(usd) {
   cRate * currencyTextInput  //not sure if this will grab that info or not
return //haven't the slightest idea where to send this data

var e_u = {
name: "European Euro",
cRate: 0.77334,
convert: function() {
   cRate * currencyTextInput
return exchangeRate.push(exchangeRate())//not sure if this is possible or do I need
}                                       //to assign an array slot for it

var u_k = {
name: "British Pound Sterling",
cRate: 0.66202,
convert: function() {
   cRate * currencyTextInput
return exchangeRate.push(exchangeRate())

var india = {
name: "Indian Rupee",
cRate: 55.7155,
convert: function() {
   cRate * currencyTextInput
return exchangeRate.push(exchangeRate())

var aus = {
name: "Australian Dollar",
cRate: 1.02931,
convert: function() {
   cRate * currencyTextInput
return exchangeRate.push(exchangeRate())

var japan = {
name: "Japanese Yen",
cRate: 102.063,
convert: function() {
   cRate * currencyTextInput
return exchangeRate.push(exchangeRate())

Basically, trying to have the user enter a number, validate that, then display that number (which will be usd) and multiply by each conversion rate and then display the results and the country/currency associated with the result in an ordered bullet list. Hopefully that is possible with what I have or is possible to do. I am just not sure how to push method data to an array and I need 2 bits of info from each. This is so aggravating, beginning web programming class my ass.


1 回答 1




  var currencies = [
    {name: "Australian Dollar", rate: 1.02931 },
    {name: "Indian Rupee", rate: 55.1755 }
   // ... etc


  var conversions = currencies.map (function (c) {
    return '<li>' + c.name + ' : ' + c.rate * dollarValue + '</li>';

dollarValue当然,是您从用户输入中获得的价值。确保它是一个数字。而不是map您可以使用for循环来处理货币数组。请注意,我已将每个转换都包装在<li> </li>准备插入 HTML 中


  document.getElementById ('results').innerHTML = conversions.join ('');

在您的 HTML 中,<ul>最初将为空。

而已。总共不应超过 20 行 JS。


于 2013-06-03T06:43:29.680 回答