"album": "Text_Input",
"artwork": "DefaultURL/http://www.ggcc.tv/ArmyoftheLord/Army%20of%20the%20Lord.png/OR Overwrite with Uploaded Image",
"church": "City Name And State Wich can be selected from Dropdown Menu",
"cityartwork": "Default URL Will Be Set/ This input is hidden",
"des": "Text_Input_For_Description",
"release_date": "February 24th 2013 ",
"tracks": [
"name": "Text_Input",
"url": "File Upload of .MP3 which should be saved on server and its new url should be inputed here by the script"
"name": "Text_Input",
"url": "File Upload of .MP3 which should be saved on server and its new url should be inputed here by the script"
"name": "Text_Input",
"url": "File Upload of .MP3 which should be saved on server and its new url should be inputed here by the script"
"name": "Text_Input",
"url": "File Upload of .MP3 which should be saved on server and its new url should be inputed here by the script"
"name": "Text_Input",
"url": "File Upload of .MP3 which should be saved on server and its new url should be inputed here by the script"
"name": "Text_Input",
"url": "File Upload of .MP3 which should be saved on server and its new url should be inputed here by the script"
我需要一个表单来收集所有这些信息,将其保存到数据库并将收集到的条目输出到服务器上的单个 JSON 文件中,以便我可以在我正在处理的应用程序中使用该 .json 文件。