我正在尝试从系列中获取切片视图(由条件逻辑索引),对其进行处理,然后将结果分配回该逻辑索引切片。分配中的 LHS 和 RHS 是具有匹配索引的系列,但由于某种未知原因,分配最终成为标量(见底部)。如何获得所需的分配?(我检查了 SO 和pandas 0.11.0 文档是否有任何相关内容)。
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# A dataframe with sample data and some boolean conditional
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'x': range(1,20)})
df['cond'] = df.x.apply(lambda xx: ((xx%3)==1) )
# Create a new col and selectively assign to it... elsewhere being NaN...
df['newcol'] = np.nan
# This attempted assign to a view of the df doesn't work (in reality the RHS expression would actually be a return value from somefunc)
df.ix[df.cond, df.columns.get_loc('newcol')] = 2* df.ix[df.cond, df.columns.get_loc('x')]
# yet a scalar assign does...
df.ix[df.cond, df.columns.get_loc('newcol')] = 99.
# Likewise bad trying to use -df.cond as the logical index:
df.ix[-df.cond, df.columns.get_loc('newcol')] = 2* df.ix[-df.cond, df.columns.get_loc('x')]
>>> df.ix[-df.cond, df.columns.get_loc('newcol')] = 2* df.ix[-df.cond, df.columns.get_loc('x')]
>>> df
x cond newcol
0 1 True NaN
1 2 False 4
2 3 False 4
3 4 True NaN
4 5 False 4
5 6 False 4
6 7 True NaN
7 8 False 4
8 9 False 4
9 10 True NaN
10 11 False 4
11 12 False 4
12 13 True NaN
13 14 False 4
14 15 False 4
15 16 True NaN
16 17 False 4
17 18 False 4
18 19 True NaN