I download an MP4 file from the internet and play it on the blackberry device. I get the following error: "the video portion of the media being played uses an unsupported format". The audio starts playing, but the video doesn't play, while showing this error.

It should be noted that this only happens on Device OS 5 & 6. The same video plays properly or OS 7 and OS 7.1. I am guessing this is because RIM included some updates to MMAPI. What could i do to allow devices prior to OS 7 play the videos? OS 5 & 6 devices play MP4 files, just not all of them.

I have been looking into custom decoding the bytes of the MP4 file, but that will take a lot of time, looking into existing decoder implementation before adapting to J2ME, not an easy task.

Any help would be great here.


The video content owners have control of the videos on the server side, but arent willing to re encode, mainly due to size concerns on the server, even though i recommended they do as well.

The resolution of the video is about 720w x 400h. This is quite high for a BB, but Bold 9790 and Torch 9810 both play it without a problem. So why cant Bold 9780 play the same file?


1 回答 1



关于在 9790 而不是 9780 上播放视频的问题,这些是不同的设备。9790 比 9780 大约一年后问世,显然 RIM 增加了更多功能。

从 9780 规格:

  • 视频播放器 DivX/WMV/XviD/3gp

从 9790 规格:

  • DivX/XviD/MP4/H.264/H.263/WMV 播放器

所以,这就解释了为什么您无法在 9780 上播放该视频。如果播放该视频是您的应用程序的基础,您可以更改 BlackBerry App World 中的设置,将其列为与 9780 不兼容。如果这只是您的应用程序的众多功能之一,您至少可以捕获媒体异常并优雅地通知用户他们的设备无法播放请求的视频,因此他们不会认为这是您的应用程序的错。


MP4 实际上包含一系列相关格式

对您的视频的实际支持可能取决于您BlackBerry OS 版本(例如 5/6/7)以及设备本身。

这是一份 BlackBerry 参考文档,描述了各种 BlackBerry 设备的视频格式功能。



制作各种格式和分辨率的视频并让您的 BlackBerry 应用程序根据设备下载不同版本的视频可能对您很有用。由于视频下载速度很慢,这样做还可以确保用户在他们的设备上看到最快的下载。下载比设备可以显示的分辨率更高的分辨率是没有用的。


于 2013-06-02T23:29:35.610 回答