
I have successfully signed, built and deployed my blackberry app (using phonegap/cordova 2.7.0) to a device. The problem, however, is that it gets stuck on the splash screen. There are no apparent errors from the device logs. I am only targeting OS 7 and below at the moment.

Also, I should mention that I changed the default 'start screen' from index.html to another index page on my server.

Does anybody have an idea what the issue could be?


1 回答 1


如果您使用远程源运行应用程序,例如从您的 WAMP/XAMP/MAMP 服务器,您需要确保您已在 config.xml 中将该域列入白名单,如下所示:

<!-- point to your source code -->
<content src=""></content>

<!-- whitelist remote ip, and api's needed -->
<access uri="" subdomains="true">
<feature id="blackberry.app"/>
<feature id="blackberry.invoke"/>
<feature id="blackberry.invoke.card"/>
于 2013-06-03T13:11:09.860 回答