我可能遗漏了一些关于 DFS/DLS 的信息,维基百科没有说访问的节点应该与当前深度连接......

问题:你有这个 2x4 地图 S=start E=exit

E   |
S   |

如果您使用 DFS maxDepth=3 并且您的移动生成器是:

dir = {right, left, up, down}

DFS 不会在深度 3 解决这个问题(这意味着 IDDFS 也会失败......)

DFS 将首先尝试此路径:

E   |
3 2 |
0 1 |

如果您现在标记已访问的位置,E 只能在深度 5 处到达,因为 dfs 将回溯到深度 0 并发现第一次“向上”移动不再有效,因为它已经在深度 3 处进行了!

我看到的唯一解决方案是用当前深度标记访问过的位置(如果visited.depth > currentDepth,你可以忽略“访问过”的位置),这意味着当depth=X时,每个DFS搜索中的每个位置都会被访问很多次使其无法用于大问题!

在我的测试中,如果你有足够的内存在一个大问题中运行广度优先搜索,即使 X 是要解决的最短深度,它也会比深度 = X 的 DFS 运行得快得多。听起来我错了,但是我只是不明白为什么或我做错了什么……有人请赐教!(是的,这就是问题......我不知道发生了什么)

BFS(效果很好,但不是非常大的问题.. 使用大量 RAM)
注意我没有使用 hasmap 的值(总是 0)

HashMap<State, Integer> table = new HashMap();

State bfs() {
    State state = this.initState;
    Queue<State> pending = new LinkedList();
    table.put(state, 0);
    while ( !pending.isEmpty() ) {
        state = pending.remove();
        for ( State child : state.getChildren() ) {
            if ( !table.containsKey(child) ) {
                table.put(child, 0);
                if ( child.isSolved() )
                    return child;
    return null;

注意 hashMap.put 也会更新旧值

State dls(State state, int depth) {
    if ( depth == maxDepth )
        return state.isSolved() ? state : null;
    for ( State child : state.getChildren() ) {
        if ( !table.containsKey(child) ||
                table.get(child) > depth ) {
            table.put(child, depth);
            State solution = dls(child, depth + 1);
            if (solution != null)
                return solution;
    return null;

State solution(int depth) {
    this.maxDepth = depth;
    table.put(this.initState, 0);
    return dls(this.initState, 0);

2 回答 2


What problem are you trying to solve? DFS traditionally is used to solve mazes because it there is a theory that it will reach the end of the maze first because it searches depth first, but I believe in general a BFS will be just as fast.

In this case it looks like DFS will work just fine, however, you will visit many nodes in the graph before getting there.

Here is one possible DFS traversal:

7 6 |
4 5 |
3 2 |
0 1 |

Where you start at 0 and go to 7. The steps for the DFS are as follows:

  1. Start at 0, add it to a stack.
    • Stack:{0}
  2. Remove 0, add its three children (3,2,1) to the stack. Mark 0 as visited.
    • Stack:{3,2,1}
  3. Remove 1, add its three children (0,3,2) to the stack. However, 0 is visited, so skip it. Mark 1 as visited.
    • Stack:{3,2,3,2}
  4. Remove 2, add its three children (3,4,5) to the stack. Mark 2 as visited.
    • Stack:{3,2,3,2,5,4,3}


Eventually you will end up at E, but your stack will have many nodes in it. Every time you pop a node you'll have to check to see if it is visited, and if it is do nothing.

As you can see, this is a very slow algorithm because the graph is connected.

A better way to find E from S would be to use Shortest Paths or A*

于 2013-06-02T05:19:00.567 回答

Naive DFS 是完整的,但不是最优的。这意味着它保证如果存在一个解决方案,但不保证它是最优的。虽然找到最佳解决方案的一种选择是您采用的方法,但它现在使 DFS 成为比 BFS 更糟糕的选择,因为它现在需要将每个节点扩展到每个可能的路径,而 BFS 只需要扩展每个节点。

对于这种情况,您认为 BFS 优于 DFS 是正确的,因为您的搜索空间很小,可能路径很多,并且正在尝试找到最佳解决方案。不同的算法在不同的问题上表现更好。在这种情况下, A*Dijkstra是比 BFS 表现更好的算法示例。

什么时候使用 DFS 和 BFS 比较实用?有一些关于每种方法的相对好处的更多信息。

于 2013-06-02T05:57:22.473 回答