我已经尝试将我的输入控件放在组框和面板框中,并将用户选择的组/面板框的 .Visible 属性更改为 True,并将所有其他属性更改为 false。

我是不是在找错树并认为这个 UI 设计是错误的?这是我到目前为止编写的代码:

Public Class frmMainMenu

Dim blnIncident As Boolean = False
Dim blnPatient As Boolean = False
Dim blnAssessments As Boolean = False
Dim blnInterventions As Boolean = False
Dim blnNarrative As Boolean = False

Private Sub PanelFocus()

    If blnIncident = True Then

        pnlIncidentInfo.Visible = True
        pnlPatientInformation.Visible = False
        pnlAssessments.Visible = False
        pnlInterventions.Visible = False
        pnlNarrative.Visible = False

    ElseIf blnPatient = True Then

        pnlPatientInformation.Visible = True
        pnlIncidentInfo.Visible = False
        pnlAssessments.Visible = False
        pnlInterventions.Visible = False
        pnlNarrative.Visible = False

    ElseIf blnAssessments = True Then

        pnlAssessments.Visible = True
        pnlIncidentInfo.Visible = False
        pnlPatientInformation.Visible = False
        pnlInterventions.Visible = False
        pnlNarrative.Visible = False

    ElseIf blnInterventions = True Then

        pnlInterventions.Visible = True
        pnlIncidentInfo.Visible = False
        pnlAssessments.Visible = False
        pnlPatientInformation.Visible = False
        pnlNarrative.Visible = False

    ElseIf blnNarrative = True Then

        pnlNarrative.Visible = True
        pnlIncidentInfo.Visible = False
        pnlPatientInformation.Visible = False
        pnlAssessments.Visible = False
        pnlInterventions.Visible = False

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub btnIncident_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnIncident.Click

    blnIncident = True

End Sub

Private Sub btnPatientInfo_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPatientInfo.Click

    blnPatient = True

End Sub

Private Sub btnVitals_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnVitals.Click
    blnAssessments = True

End Sub

Private Sub btnInterventions_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInterventions.Click
    blnInterventions = True

End Sub

Private Sub btnNarrative_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNarrative.Click
    blnNarrative = True

End Sub

End Class




我想我找到了问题所在。我无意中将一些面板框控件放在一起,从而与父面板建立了子关系。它们不会显示,因为...父控件的可见属性设置为 false。在 sub 调用之后,我还忘记将用户选择的布尔变量设置回 false。




2 回答 2


Since all your code is doing, is making one panel Visible while making all the others invisible. One way to make it easier to understand your code later and make it quite a bit leaner, is to set the buttons' click events to be handled by the same handler. Then in the handler, iterate through the panels making them all invisible except for the one matching the clicked button, make it Visible

Something like this:

For Each btn as Button in Me.Controls.OfType(Of Button)
    AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf Button_Click

Private Sub Button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    Dim ClickedButton as Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
    For Each p as Panel in Me.Controls.OfType(Of Panel)
        If p.Name.Contains(ClickedButton.Name.Substring(3)) Then
            p.Visible = True
            p.Visible =False
        End If
End Sub

One other change you'll have to make, for this code to work, is change the name of btnVitals to btnAssessments.

于 2013-06-02T05:13:01.130 回答



一开始它的额外工作 - 但从长远来看会得到回报。

于 2013-06-01T22:29:26.793 回答