
编辑 对自己的回答;我相信这个答案涵盖了我所有的需求/问题,但当然,欢迎发表评论。原始问题留在下面以供参考。





protected abstract MessageSource tryAndLookup(final Locale locale)
    throws IOException;


  • 如果该语言环境的消息源已被成功查找,则返回;
  • 从此时起,没有进行任何查找;然而,这是否意味着先前的查找尝试已经完成是未知的:检查失败的查找集合,如果要查找的语言环境在那里,这是一个已知的失败,返回空列表;
  • 现在,已知的情况是这个语言环境查找实际上从未执行过:执行它;根据tryAndLookup方法的结果,记录成功或失败。


 * Set of locales known to have failed lookup.
 * <p>When a locale is in this set, it will not attempt to be reloaded.</p>
private final Set<Locale> lookupFailures
    = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<Locale>();

 * Set of message sources successfully looked up
 * <p>When a source is in there, it is there permanently for now.</p>
private final ConcurrentMap<Locale, MessageSource> sources
    = new ConcurrentHashMap<Locale, MessageSource>();

protected final List<MessageSource> getSources(final Locale locale)
    MessageSource source = sources.get(locale);

     * If found, return it
    if (source != null)
        return Arrays.asList(source);

     * If it is a registered failure, return the empty list
    if (lookupFailures.contains(locale))
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * OK, try and look it up. On success, register it in the sources map.
     * On failure, record the failure an return the empty list.
    try {
        source = tryAndLookup(locale);
        sources.putIfAbsent(locale, source);
        // EDIT: fix for bug pinpointed by JBNizet
        // was:
        // return Arrays.asList(source);
        // now is:
        return Arrays.asList(sources.get(locale));
    } catch (IOException ignored) {
        return Collections.emptyList();


  • 我故意将自己限制在只对 JDK 可用的类;我选择了ConcurrentHashMap作为一个ConcurrentMap实现,并且CopyOnWriteArraySet作为一个线程安全的Set实现;从javadoc,这些是我能找到的最好的。但我是不是在什么地方被误导了?
  • 认为这段代码最终是线程安全的;例如,某些极端情况可能会导致多次查找,但这就是我这样做的原因.putIfAbsent();现在我一直使用并信任 GuavaLoadingCache用于缓存目的,这是我第一次走出这个领域;这段代码实际上是线程安全的吗?
  • 这段代码有一个致命缺陷:可能同时执行多个线程tryAndLookup()... 有什么解决方案可以让这个方法每次查找只执行一次?

3 回答 3


作为 的替代方案CopyOnWriteArraySet,您可以使用ConcurrentHashMap具有无意义值的 a (例如,始终Boolean.TRUE用作值 - 您只关心键),或者您可以使用ConcurrentSkipListSet,它本质上是一个并发的TreeSet,它使用跳过列表而不是平衡的二进制树。



private final MessageSource nullSource = new MessageSource(); // Used in place of null in the ConcurrentHashMap, which does not accept null keys or values

protected final List<MessageSource> getSources(final Locale locale) {

    try {
        if(sources.putIfAbsent(locale, nullSource) == null) {
            source = tryAndLookup(locale);
            sources.replace(locale, nullSource, source);
            return Arrays.asList(sources.get(locale));
        } else {
            // Another thread is calling tryAndLookup, so wait for it to finish
            while(sources.get(locale) == nullSource && !lookupFailures.contains(locale))
            if(sources.get(locale) != nullSource) {
                return Arrays.asList(sources.get(locale));
            } else {
                return Collections.emptyList();
    } catch (IOException ignored) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
于 2013-06-01T21:35:23.893 回答


然后在同步块之外,进行实际查找。发现它们需要相同结果的线程将找到 Future 并且可以get()在同步块之外找到它的结果。

于 2013-06-01T23:43:07.437 回答


该算法已完全修改。它基于 JDK 的FutureTask,因为它有两个非常好的属性:

  • 它的.run()方法是异步的;
  • 它是有状态的,无论成功还是失败——意思是,它将返回已经计算的结果或抛出的异常(包装在 中ExecutionException.get()


  • 先前存在的lookupFailures记录失败的集合已经消失;
  • 现有的地图,原来是 a ConcurrentMap,现在被 a plain 取代,由 aMap守卫ReentrantLock;它的值现在FutureTask<MessageSource>不是MessageSource.


  • 锁定地图;
  • 查找语言环境的任务;如果它以前不存在,创建它,然后.run()它;
  • 解锁地图;
  • .get()结果:成功时返回单个元素列表,失败时返回空列表。


public abstract class CachedI18NMessageBundle
    extends I18NMessageBundle
     * Map pairing locales with {@link FutureTask} instances returning message
     * sources
     * <p>There will only ever be one task associated with one locale; we
     * therefore choose to make it a normal map, guarded by a {@link
     * ReentrantLock}.</p>
     * <p>The tasks' {@link FutureTask#run()} method will be executed the first
     * time this object is initialized.</p>
    private final Map<Locale, FutureTask<MessageSource>> lookups
        = new HashMap<Locale, FutureTask<MessageSource>>();

     * Lock used to guarantee exclusive access to the {@link #lookups} map
    private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();

    protected final List<MessageSource> getSources(final Locale locale)
        FutureTask<MessageSource> task;

         * Grab an exclusive lock to the lookups map. The lock is held only for
         * the time necessary to grab the FutureTask or create it (and run it)
         * if it didn't exist previously.
         * We can do this, since FutureTask's .run() is asynchronous.
        try {
             * Try and see whether there is already a FutureTask associated with
             * this locale.
            task = lookups.get(locale);
            if (task == null) {
                 * If not, create it and run it.
                task = lookupTask(locale);
                lookups.put(locale, task);
        } finally {

         * Try and get the result for this locale; on any failure event (either
         * an IOException thrown by tryAndLookup() or a thread interrupt),
         * return an empty list.
        try {
            return Arrays.asList(task.get());
        } catch (ExecutionException ignored) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } catch (InterruptedException  ignored) {
            return Collections.emptyList();

    protected abstract MessageSource tryAndLookup(final Locale locale)
        throws IOException;

    public final Builder modify()
        throw new IllegalStateException("cached bundles cannot be modified");

     * Wraps an invocation of {@link #tryAndLookup(Locale)} into a {@link
     * FutureTask}
     * @param locale the locale to pass as an argument to {@link
     * #tryAndLookup(Locale)}
     * @return a {@link FutureTask}
    private FutureTask<MessageSource> lookupTask(final Locale locale)
        final Callable<MessageSource> callable = new Callable<MessageSource>()
            public MessageSource call()
                throws IOException
                return tryAndLookup(locale);

        return new FutureTask<MessageSource>(callable);

我什至可以在查找成功和失败时测试“创建的单个任务”,因为tryAndLookup()它是抽象的,因此可以使用 Mockito 进行“间谍活动”。完整的测试类源在这里(方法onlyOneTaskIsCreatedPer*LocaleLookup())。

于 2013-06-02T02:37:30.067 回答