我有很多 SiLK 流数据,我想对其进行一些数据挖掘。看起来目标 IP 列与更下方的一行数据的源 IP 列相匹配。如何将源 id 行与 R 中的目标 id 行合并?我为您准备了一些简化的网络流量数据:
id sip dip notes
1 20 30 20 is talking to 30
2 20 31 20 is talking to 31
3 20 32 20 is talking to 32
4 30 20 30 is responding to 20
5 31 20 31 is responding to 20
6 32 20 32 is responding to 20
7 20 32 20 is talking to 32 again
8 20 30 20 is talking to 30 again
9 32 20 32 is responding to 20 again
10 20 31 20 is talking to 31 again
11 31 20 31 is responding to 20 again
12 30 20 30 is responding to 20 again
13 21 30 21 is talking to 30
14 30 21 30 is responding to 21
id_S sip_S dip_S notes_S id_D sip_D dip_D notes_D
1 20 30 20 is talking to 30 4 30 20 30 is responding to 20
2 20 31 20 is talking to 31 5 31 20 31 is responding to 20
3 20 32 20 is talking to 32 6 32 20 32 is responding to 20
7 20 32 20 is talking to 32 again 9 32 20 32 is responding to 20 again
8 20 30 20 is talking to 30 again 12 30 20 30 is responding to 20 again
10 20 31 20 is talking to 31 again 11 31 20 31 is responding to 20 again
13 21 30 21 is talking to 30 14 30 21 30 is responding to 21
我有超过一百万行数据。在 SQL Express 中执行此操作需要数天时间和大量磁盘空间:
WITH flowtest_merged AS(
s.id AS id_S,
s.sip AS sip_S,
s.dip AS dip_S,
s.notes AS notes_S,
d.id AS id_D,
d.sip AS sip_D,
d.dip AS dip_D,
d.notes AS notes_D,
flowtest AS s INNER JOIN
flowtest AS d ON
s.dip = d.sip AND /* The source id is talking to the destination id */
s.sip = d.dip AND /* The destination id is responding to the source id */
s.id < d.id AND /* The source id is the initiator of the exchange */
s.sip < 30 /* shorthand for "I'm selecting the internal ip range here" */
FROM flowtest_merged
WHERE (RN = 1)
问题是,我不知道如何执行 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.id ORDER BY d.id) 部分。因此,如果我在 R 中重建示例数据框:
> flowtest <- data.frame(
+ "id" = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14),
+ "sip" = c(20, 20, 20, 30, 31, 32, 20, 20, 32, 20, 31, 30, 21, 30),
+ "dip" = c(30, 31, 32, 20, 20, 20, 32, 30, 20, 31, 20, 20, 30, 21),
+ "notes" = c(
+ "20 is talking to 30",
+ "20 is talking to 31",
+ "20 is talking to 32",
+ "30 is responding to 20",
+ "31 is responding to 20",
+ "32 is responding to 20",
+ "20 is talking to 32 again",
+ "20 is talking to 30 again",
+ "32 is responding to 20 again",
+ "20 is talking to 31 again",
+ "31 is responding to 20 again",
+ "30 is responding to 20 again",
+ "21 is talking to 30",
+ "30 is responding to 21"),
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
使其看起来与 SQL 数据相同:
> flowtest
id sip dip notes
1 1 20 30 20 is talking to 30
2 2 20 31 20 is talking to 31
3 3 20 32 20 is talking to 32
4 4 30 20 30 is responding to 20
5 5 31 20 31 is responding to 20
6 6 32 20 32 is responding to 20
7 7 20 32 20 is talking to 32 again
8 8 20 30 20 is talking to 30 again
9 9 32 20 32 is responding to 20 again
10 10 20 31 20 is talking to 31 again
11 11 31 20 31 is responding to 20 again
12 12 30 20 30 is responding to 20 again
13 13 21 30 21 is talking to 30
14 14 30 21 30 is responding to 21
> flowtest_merged <- merge(
+ flowtest[,setdiff(colnames(flowtest), "dip")],
+ flowtest[,setdiff(colnames(flowtest), "sip")],
+ by.x = "sip",
+ by.y = "dip",
+ all = FALSE,
+ suffixes = c("_S", "_D"))
> flowtest_merged
sip id_S notes_S id_D notes_D
1 20 1 20 is talking to 30 5 31 is responding to 20
2 20 1 20 is talking to 30 6 32 is responding to 20
3 20 1 20 is talking to 30 11 31 is responding to 20 again
4 20 1 20 is talking to 30 4 30 is responding to 20
5 20 1 20 is talking to 30 9 32 is responding to 20 again
6 20 1 20 is talking to 30 12 30 is responding to 20 again
7 20 2 20 is talking to 31 5 31 is responding to 20
8 20 2 20 is talking to 31 6 32 is responding to 20
9 20 2 20 is talking to 31 11 31 is responding to 20 again
10 20 2 20 is talking to 31 4 30 is responding to 20
11 20 2 20 is talking to 31 9 32 is responding to 20 again
12 20 2 20 is talking to 31 12 30 is responding to 20 again
13 20 3 20 is talking to 32 5 31 is responding to 20
14 20 3 20 is talking to 32 6 32 is responding to 20
15 20 3 20 is talking to 32 11 31 is responding to 20 again
16 20 3 20 is talking to 32 4 30 is responding to 20
17 20 3 20 is talking to 32 9 32 is responding to 20 again
18 20 3 20 is talking to 32 12 30 is responding to 20 again
19 20 8 20 is talking to 30 again 5 31 is responding to 20
20 20 8 20 is talking to 30 again 6 32 is responding to 20
21 20 8 20 is talking to 30 again 11 31 is responding to 20 again
22 20 8 20 is talking to 30 again 4 30 is responding to 20
23 20 8 20 is talking to 30 again 9 32 is responding to 20 again
24 20 8 20 is talking to 30 again 12 30 is responding to 20 again
25 20 10 20 is talking to 31 again 5 31 is responding to 20
26 20 10 20 is talking to 31 again 6 32 is responding to 20
27 20 10 20 is talking to 31 again 11 31 is responding to 20 again
28 20 10 20 is talking to 31 again 4 30 is responding to 20
29 20 10 20 is talking to 31 again 9 32 is responding to 20 again
30 20 10 20 is talking to 31 again 12 30 is responding to 20 again
31 20 7 20 is talking to 32 again 5 31 is responding to 20
32 20 7 20 is talking to 32 again 6 32 is responding to 20
33 20 7 20 is talking to 32 again 11 31 is responding to 20 again
34 20 7 20 is talking to 32 again 4 30 is responding to 20
35 20 7 20 is talking to 32 again 9 32 is responding to 20 again
36 20 7 20 is talking to 32 again 12 30 is responding to 20 again
37 21 13 21 is talking to 30 14 30 is responding to 21
38 30 4 30 is responding to 20 1 20 is talking to 30
39 30 4 30 is responding to 20 8 20 is talking to 30 again
40 30 4 30 is responding to 20 13 21 is talking to 30
41 30 14 30 is responding to 21 1 20 is talking to 30
42 30 14 30 is responding to 21 8 20 is talking to 30 again
43 30 14 30 is responding to 21 13 21 is talking to 30
44 30 12 30 is responding to 20 again 1 20 is talking to 30
45 30 12 30 is responding to 20 again 8 20 is talking to 30 again
46 30 12 30 is responding to 20 again 13 21 is talking to 30
47 31 5 31 is responding to 20 2 20 is talking to 31
48 31 5 31 is responding to 20 10 20 is talking to 31 again
49 31 11 31 is responding to 20 again 2 20 is talking to 31
50 31 11 31 is responding to 20 again 10 20 is talking to 31 again
51 32 9 32 is responding to 20 again 3 20 is talking to 32
52 32 9 32 is responding to 20 again 7 20 is talking to 32 again
53 32 6 32 is responding to 20 3 20 is talking to 32
54 32 6 32 is responding to 20 7 20 is talking to 32 again
换句话说,我不会像我想的那样将一行与另一行合并。如何将源 id 行与其目标 id 行合并?
720109425873|3232248427|3232248333|17|57554|53|1|70|0|2013-01-01 00:00:15.046|0|2013-01-01 00:00:15.046|THERMOPYLAE|6|||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|N|Y|erath.mechesrx.net|NULL
720107126014|3232248333|3232248427|17|53|57868|2|238|0|2013-01-01 00:02:15.827|0|2013-01-01 00:02:15.827|THERMOPYLAE|6|||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|N|Y|NULL|NULL