I implemented the Jacobi algorithm using TBB and it works just fine. Then I parallelized the convergence calculation using a reduction, but for some reason if I use more than 1 logical core I get an segmentation fault and i can't figure out why.
I can use more than 1 thread on a system that has only 1 logical core.
The same implementation using OpenMP works without a hassle
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
#include <tbb/parallel_reduce.h>
#include <tbb/blocked_range.h>
#include <tbb/task_scheduler_init.h>
#include <tbb/tick_count.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
#define SIZE 1024
#define RESIDUO 0.0009f*SIZE
#define THREADS 2
using namespace tbb;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
struct Sum {
float ret;
float (*a)[SIZE];
float (*x);
float (*b);
Sum(float A[SIZE][SIZE], float X[SIZE], float B[SIZE]) : ret(0), a(A), x(X), b(B) {}
Sum( Sum&, split ) {ret = 0;}
void operator()( const blocked_range<int>& r ) {
float temp = ret;
for( int i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); i++ ) {
float sum = 0.0f;
for(int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++){
sum += a[i][j] * x[j];
temp += pow(b[i] - sum, 2);
ret = temp;
void join( Sum& rhs ) {ret += rhs.ret;}
// || b - Ax ||
int converge(float a[SIZE][SIZE], float x[SIZE], float b[SIZE]){
Sum total(a, x, b);
parallel_reduce( blocked_range<int>(0, SIZE), total );
float norm = sqrt(total.ret);
printf("Ret: %f | Residuo: %f\n", total.ret, norm);
return (norm <= RESIDUO);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
float randomFloat()
float r = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
return r;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
int check_ddm(float (*a)[SIZE]){
float sum = 0.0f;
int i = 0, j = 0;
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
sum = 0.0f;
for(j = 0; j < SIZE; j++){
if(i != j){
sum += a[i][j];
if(a[i][i] < sum){
printf("line: %d, sum: %f, a[i][i]: %f \n", i, sum, a[i][i]);
for(j = 0; j < SIZE; j++){
if(i != j) printf("%f ", a[i][j]);
else printf("(%f) ", a[i][j]);
return 0;
return 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
int generate_ddm(float (*a)[SIZE], float *b)
int i = 0, j = 0;
float line = 0.0f;
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
line = 0.0f;
for(j = 0; j < SIZE; j++){
if(i != j){
a[i][j] = randomFloat();
line += a[i][j];
a[i][i] = SIZE;
b[i] = line + SIZE;
return check_ddm(a);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
int main( )
float (*x)[SIZE] = (float(*)[SIZE])malloc(sizeof *x * 2);
float (*a)[SIZE] = (float(*)[SIZE])malloc(sizeof *a * SIZE);
float (*b) = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * SIZE);
int i = 0, j = 0;
float delta = 0.0f;
int read = 0;
int write = 1;
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(THREADS);
// set up initial solution
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
x[0][i] = i;
x[1][i] = i;
// generate a diagonal dominant matrix
if(!generate_ddm(a, b)){
printf("Array generated is not ddm!\n");
return 1;
tick_count startTime = tick_count::now();
while(!converge(a, x[write], b)){
read = !read;
write = !write;
[&] (const blocked_range<int>& r) {
for (int i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); i++) {
float delta = 0.0f;
for(int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++){
if(j != i){
delta += a[i][j] * x[read][j];
x[write][i] = (b[i] - delta) / a[i][i];
tick_count lastTime = tick_count::now();
float walltime = (lastTime - startTime).seconds();
printf("tbb %f\n", walltime);
converge(a, x[write], b);
printf("x0: %f | x%d: %f\n", x[write][0], SIZE-1, x[write][SIZE-1]);
return 0;
The segfault occurs on the following line inside the Sum
sum += a[i][j] * x[j];
And if I change that line to
float tmpa = a[i][j];
float tmpx = x[j];
sum += tmpa * tmpx;
The error continues to be on
sum += tmpa * tmpx;