I would like to be pointed in the right direction on how I would go about editing data (not headings) of a table using PHP DOM Document.

I have been looking into PHP DomDocument to replace the content of "Name 1" and "Age 1" etc, with real data from a database, however I am having a few issues...


$doc = new DOMDocument();

$sql = 'SELECT name,
        FROM db.people';

$sql = mysql_query($sql);

for($i=0; $person = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); $i++)
    $doc->getElementsByTagName('td')->item($i)->nodeValue = $person['name'];

$doc->formatOutput = TRUE;
echo $doc->saveHTML();


I would like to continue editing the above PHP code to replace place holder data with data from a database.


Can anyone point me in the right direction, and if i'm on the right track?


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于 2013-06-01T15:32:58.250 回答