NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 6)
让我怀疑对 C 语言实现的 knn 函数调用失败。R 中的许多函数实际上调用底层的、更高效的 C 实现,而不是仅在 R 中实现算法。如果您在 R 控制台中仅键入“knn”,则可以检查“knn”的 R 实现。存在以下行:
Z <- .C(VR_knn, as.integer(k), as.integer(l), as.integer(ntr),
as.integer(nte), as.integer(p), as.double(train), as.integer(unclass(clf)),
as.double(test), res = integer(nte), pr = double(nte),
integer(nc + 1), as.integer(nc), as.integer(FALSE), as.integer(use.all))
其中 .C 表示我们使用提供的函数参数调用名为“VR_knn”的 C 函数。由于您有两个错误
NAs introduced by coercion
我认为两个 as.double/as.integer 调用失败,并引入了 NA 值。如果我们开始计算参数,第 6 个参数是:
# as.double can not translate text fields to doubles, they are coerced to NA-values:
> as.double("sometext")
[1] NA
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
# while the following text is cast to double without an error:
> as.double("1.23")
[1] 1.23
mydades <- mvrnorm(100, mu=c(1:6), Sigma=matrix(1:36, ncol=6))
mydades <- cbind(mydades, sample(LETTERS[1:5], 100, replace=TRUE))
# This breaks knn
mydades[3,4] <- Inf
# This breaks knn
mydades[4,3] <- -Inf
# These, however, do not introduce the coercion for NA-values error message
# This breaks knn and gives the same error; just some raw text
mydades[1,2] <- mydades[50,1] <- "foo"
mydades[100,3] <- "bar"
# ... or perhaps wrongly formatted exponential numbers?
mydades[1,1] <- "2.34EXP-05"
# ... or wrong decimal symbol?
mydades[3,3] <- "1,23"
# should be 1.23, as R uses '.' as decimal symbol and not ','
# ... or most likely a whole column is non-numeric, since the error is given twice (as.double problem both in training AND test set)
mydades[,1] <- sample(letters[1:5],100,replace=TRUE)
mydadesnumeric <- mydades[,1:6] # 6 first columns
mydadesclasses <- mydades[,7]
str(mydades); summary(mydades)
N <- nrow(mydades)
permut <- sample(c(1:N),N,replace=FALSE)
ord <- order(permut)
mydades.shuffled <- mydades[ord,]
prop.train <- 1/3
NOMBRE <- round(prop.train*N)
mydades.training <- mydades.shuffled[1:NOMBRE,]
mydades.test <- mydades.shuffled[(NOMBRE+1):N,]
# 7th column seems to be the class labels