if (((Comparable)arr[midpt-1]).compareTo(arr[midpt]) <= 0)
CompareTo(Object) 方法属于原始类型 Comparable。对可比较的泛型类型的引用应该被参数化。
private static void msort(Object[] arr, Object[] tempArr, int first, int last)
// if the sublist has more than 1 element continue
if (first + 1 < last)
// for sublists of size 2 or more, call msort()
// for the left and right sublists and then
// merge the sorted sublists using merge()
int midpt = (last + first) / 2;
msort(arr, tempArr,first, midpt);
msort(arr, tempArr, midpt, last);
// if list is already sorted, just copy from src to
// dest. this is an optimization that results in faster
// sorts for nearly ordered lists.
if (((Comparable)arr[midpt-1]).compareTo(arr[midpt]) <= 0)
// the elements in the ranges [first,mid) and [mid,last) are
// ordered. merge the ordered sublists into
// an ordered sequence in the range [first,last) using
// the temporary array
int indexA, indexB, indexC;
// set indexA to scan sublist A (index range [first,mid)
// and indexB to scan sublist B (index range [mid, last)
indexA = first;
indexB = midpt;
indexC = first;
// while both sublists are not exhausted, compare arr[indexA] and
// arr[indexB]; copy the smaller to tempArr
while (indexA < midpt && indexB < last)
if (((Comparable)arr[indexA]).compareTo(arr[indexB]) < 0)
tempArr[indexC] = arr[indexA]; // copy element to tempArr
indexA++; // increment indexA
tempArr[indexC] = arr[indexB]; // copy element to tempArr
indexB++; // increment indexB
// increment indexC
// copy the tail of the sublist that is not exhausted
while (indexA < midpt)
tempArr[indexC] = arr[indexA]; // copy element to tempArr
while (indexB < last)
tempArr[indexC] = arr[indexB]; // copy element to tempArr
// copy elements from temporary array to original array
for (int i = first; i < last; i++)
arr[i] = tempArr[i];