I am working on an app where I display unsupported (by XCode) file format). So I've subclassed NSBitmapImageRep to display it in a subclass of NSImaageView. I've set it up to be proportionally scallable (up or down). Now I need to add a possibility to get coordinates of pixel in a bitmap. So I've ovveride mouseDown: method:

- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    NSLog(@"mouseDown: %ld", [theEvent clickCount]);
    NSPoint point = [theEvent locationInWindow];
    NSLog(@"point x: %f and y: %f", point.x, point.y);    

After getting NSPoint I should try to convert it to co-ordinates of a bitmap BUT first I have no idea How to solve the problem that locationInWindow returns NSPoint of a NSImageView, not of the bitmap which is ussually smaller and has unused margins in NSImageView, but I can click on the margin and mouseDown event returns me NSPoint in that margin. Do you have any idea what I shoud do?


1 回答 1



首先,您需要决定是否要缩放图像以使其完全可见但适合窗口,或者使其完全填满窗口。(或者还有其他选项,例如无论窗口大小始终以 1:1 显示图像。)这将决定图像的比例。


一旦你弄清楚了比例和平移,你就可以从它们中的 2 个组成一个矩阵。完成此操作后,获取矩阵的逆矩阵,这会将您的视图坐标转换为图像像素。

于 2013-06-01T04:13:51.460 回答