A while ago, I asked How to change Lattice graphics default groups colors?, and got a helpful response from BenBarnes. This allowed me to define more than 7 cycling colors for different data in the same plot in R's Lattice package, which I did. However, I found that it's difficult to define more than 9, maybe 10 colors are not (a) hard to see on a white background, or (b) include pairs of colors that look very similar. (That might be why seven colors is Lattice's default, obviously.) It occurs to me, though, that there are people out there who are much better at managing colors in information display than I am, and that maybe someone had already defined a good list of 10, 12, maybe even 15 colors for display of data in the same plot. Anybody know of such a list? Any color specification that I can convert into a Lattice format would work. If it's already been done in Lattice, even better! (Is there a better place to ask this question??)


2 回答 2



于 2013-06-01T02:20:55.597 回答

总的来说,我认为很难挑选出最终难以区分的大量颜色。当我在寻找大量 (>8) 的颜色时,我希望它们具有明显的独特性和美观性,我通常使用包装rich.colors中的调色板。gplots我发现它比类似的调色板更有用rainbow,因为颜色不会相互缠绕。

于 2013-06-01T07:15:00.487 回答