I saw your website and impressed on features present in MonoTouch. I downloaded the evaluation version and installed on my MAC book using the installation guidelines given in the web site. When I tried to open MonoDevelop application, it was not opening and it saying “Application Not Responding”. I have mentioned the steps below which I had done.

Step1:将我的MAC book OS更新到10.5.8版本

Step2:下载Apple Iphone SDK(版本3.1.4)并安装。

第三步:下载 Mono for Mac OS X 并安装。下载文件:MonoFrameWork_24.2.3_4.macos10.novel.x86.dmg

第四步:为 OS X 下载 MonoDevelop 并安装。下载文件:MonoDevelop-MonoTouch-Preview-20090922_0.dmg

Step5:下载MonoTouch SDK并安装。下载文件:monotouch_eval_1.0.3.pkg

请在我的 MAC 书中就如何使用 Monotouch 给我一些建议。


1 回答 1


启动 MonoDevelop 程序并选择“New Solution”,然后选择 iPhone 模板。

有一些演练文档,例如: http: //monotouch.net/Tutorials/MonoDevelop_HelloWorld



构建你好世界: http ://tv.falafel.com/iphone/09-09-18/Writing_your_First_IPhone_application_in_C_using_MonoTouch.aspx

于 2009-11-06T15:26:02.363 回答