我正在创建一个允许用户添加多个条件的动态过滤器列表。该列表由一个选择元素和两个输入字段组成。最初应该只显示一个字段。The second field should only display when the value BETWEEN is selected. 我已经看到使用 on select 元素设置元素可见性的示例。这是我到目前为止所拥有的:


function FilterList(Operator, FilterCriteria, FilterCriteriaRange) {
    var self = this;
    self.operator = ko.observable(Operator);
    self.criteria1 = ko.observable(FilterCriteria);
    self.criteria2 = ko.observable(FilterCriteriaRange);

function AppViewModel() {
    var self = this;

    self.filterOperators = ko.observableArray([{
        operatorName: "EQUALS",  operatorValue: "=" }, {
        operatorName: "GREATER THAN", operatorValue: ">"}, {
        operatorName: "GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO", operatorValue: ">="}, {
        operatorName: "LESS THAN", operatorValue: "<" }, {
        operatorName: "LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO", operatorValue: "<=" }, {
        operatorName: "NOT EQUAL TO", operatorValue: "<>" }, {
        operatorName: "NOT LESS THAN", operatorValue: "!>" }, {
        operatorName: "NOT GREATER THAN", operatorValue: "!<" }, {
        operatorName: "BETWEEN", operatorValue: "BETWEEN" }, {
        operatorName: "LIKE",  operatorValue: "LIKE"
    //define filter collection
    self.myfilters = ko.observableArray([]);
    self.addFilter = function () {
        self.myfilters.push(new FilterList(self.filterOperators[0]));

    self.inputVisible = ko.computed(function(){
        //retrieve the selected value of the current row and display the second criteria field if the selected value is BETWEEN
        //return self.operator();
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel());


<input type="button" value="Add Filter" title="Add Group" data-bind="click: $root.addFilter" />
   <tbody data-bind="foreach: myfilters">
       <select data-bind="options: $root.filterOperators, value:operator, optionsText:'operatorName'"></select>
       <input data-bind="value: criteria1" />
      <input data-bind="value: criteria2, visible: inputVisible() === 'BETWEEN'" />



1 回答 1


这是你要找的吗? http://jsfiddle.net/pyvJW/1/

由于您正在循环通过 myfilters,因此您可以访问 operator 字段。由于 operator 是可观察的,因此您只需要括号来访问 operatorName。

<input data-bind="value: criteria2, visible: operator().operatorName === 'BETWEEN'" />

于 2013-05-31T20:19:09.757 回答