我有一堂课,MAN. 我想添加一个jack具有属性的个人 , :


如何创建我的个人jack并向他添加属性并将它们保存到我的文件中database.owl?这是连接。我使用 Eclipse 和 Jena API。

  JenaOWLModel owlModel ;
  OntModel model;           
  owlModel = ProtegeOWL.createJenaOWLModelFromURI("file:///C:/database.owl");
  model = owlModel.getOntModel();

我求你帮助我,我的论文答辩还有几天时间,这个代码完美地工作我可以在我的 file.owl 中保存个人,但我无法为这些个人添加属性并保存它们。


     public class testins { 
static JenaOWLModel owlModel ;

public static void main(String[] args) {
OntModel model;
javax.swing.JDialog jDialog1 = new javax.swing.JDialog();

    owlModel = ProtegeOWL.createJenaOWLModelFromURI("file:///D:/file.owl");//  the link of my owl file
    model = owlModel.getOntModel(); 
    "loaded with success","Information",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);       
catch(Exception e){

OWLNamedClass theAlert = owlModel.getOWLNamedClass("Alert"); //my class Alert
theAlert.createOWLIndividual("indivname1"); //i add here an indevidual
theAlert.createOWLIndividual("indivname2"); //i add here another indevidual

// now how to add to those two Individuals properties ?? each individual has 2
// properties , the property witch its name est_evaluer and the second est_analyser those 
// to properties will contain values so here is my problem how to add those values to an
// individual and save all of them

       Collection errors ;
       String fileName ;           
       fileName= ("D:/file.owl");
       errors = new ArrayList();

//here i'll save it and it work ,it mean that i find in my file "file.owl" 
//individuals i added witch are "indivname1" and "indivname2" in my class ALERT 
// so now my problem is how to add properties to those indiviuals i add , and save them also

    try{  owlModel.save(new File(fileName).toURI(), FileUtils.langXMLAbbrev, errors);
    System.out.println("File saved with " + errors.size() + " errors.");

  catch(Exception e){         




1 回答 1



String NS = "http://example.org/example#";

// create ex:Man class
OntClass man = model.createClass( NS + "Man" );

// create individual ex:jack
Individual jack = model.createIndividual( NS + "jack", man );

// create some properties - probably better to use FOAF here really
DatatypeProperty age = model.createDatatypeProperty( NS + "age" );
DatatypeProperty address = model.createDatatypeProperty( NS + "address" );

jack.addProperty( age, model.createTypedLiteral( 50 ) )
    .addProperty( address, model.createLiteral( "France" ) );
于 2013-06-04T23:45:32.327 回答