You're asking two separate questions. Items.popular
and Items.recommended
are best achieved in your Item
model as a named scope This abstracts what Xavier recommended into the model. Then in your ItemsController
, you'd have something like
def popular
@items = Item.popular
def recommended
@items = Item.recommended
This isn't functionally different than what Xavier recommended, but to me, it is more understandable. (I always try to write my code for the version of me that will come to it in six months to not wonder what the guy clacking on the keyboard was thinking.)
The second thing you're asking is about nested resources. Assuming your code reads something like:
class User
has_many :items
then you can route through a user to that user's items by including
resources :users do
resources :items
in your routes.rb file. Repeat for the other nested resources.
The last thing you said is
The problem is that I don't know how to deal with this in the controller, where each action does a similar logic for each collection of items (for example, store in session and respond to js)
If what I've said above doesn't solve this for you (I think it would unless there's a piece you've left out.) this sounds like a case for subclassing. Put the common code in the superclass, do the specific stuff in the subclass and call super