我需要您的帮助才能在每个月的第 5 天自动运行以下 php 脚本。目前我手动运行它。这可以使用计划任务吗?此外,我没有对 Web 服务器的管理员访问权限。因此不能使用第三方自动化工具。
PS: 是否可以在具有 Windows 7 xampp 环境的本地计算机上安排此操作,然后再更新远程数据库?
if($_SESSION['log'] != "log" || $_SESSION['type'] != "***"){
header("Location: ***.php");
$date = date("j"); //get current date
$today = date("d-m-Y");
$now = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
if ($date === 5){
//get interest rate
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT Rate FROM Interest WHERE Ref = 'Loan' ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 1");
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
$rate = $r['Rate'];
//check for not settled loans
$check = mysql_query("SELECT LID FROM Registry WHERE Status = 0");
if (mysql_num_rows($check) > 0){
while ($list = mysql_fetch_assoc($check)) { // while there are rows to be fetched...
//*** Start Transaction ***//
$loanID = $list['LID'];
//get loan data
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT Registry.Amount, SUM(Account.Total) AS Paid, SUM(Account.Interest) AS intPaid FROM Registry LEFT JOIN Account ON Registry.LID = Account.LID WHERE Registry.Status = 0 AND Account.Auto = 0 AND (Account.LID = '$loanID') GROUP BY Account.LID");
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
$amount = $r['Amount']; //loan amount
$paid = $r['Paid']; //sum of paid
$intPaid = $r['intPaid']; //sum of interest paid
//get sum of monthly automatically updated interest
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(Interest) AS Interest FROM Account WHERE Payment = 0 AND Auto = 1 AND LID = '$loanID'");
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
$autoInt = $r['Interest'];
$total = ($amount + $autoInt); //total to be paid
$balance = ($total - $paid); //with no interest
if ($paid >= $balance){
// echo "Loan completed <br/>";
$int = ($balance * $rate) / 100;
$update = mysql_query("INSERT INTO Account (LID, Date, Interest, Total, Auto) VALUES ('$loanID', NOW(), '$int', '$int', 1)") or die(mysql_error());
if (! $update){
//*** RollBack Transaction ***//
// $_SESSION['error'] = "Interest saving failed.!";
echo "Loan ID: " . $loanID . ", Interest: Rs. " . $int . "/= - Update Failed.!<br>";
//*** Commit Transaction ***//
// $_SESSION['error'] = "Interest saved successfully";
echo "Loan ID: " . $loanID . ", Interest: Rs. " . $int . "/= - Update Succeeded.!<br>";
echo "Monthly Interest can be update only by 05th day of the month.!";