
if($this->ion_auth->register($login, $pass, $mail, $data, array('2'))){
                        echo $this->ion_auth->messages();
                        echo $this->ion_auth->errors();
                        echo $this->ion_auth->errors();

我正在编辑配置 ion_auth:

 | Email options.
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | email_config:
 |    'file' = Use the default CI config or use from a config file
 |    array  = Manually set your email config settings
$config['use_ci_email'] = TRUE; // Send Email using the builtin CI email class, if false it will return the code and the identity
$config['email_config'] = array(
    'mailtype' => 'html',
    'protocol' => 'smtp',
    'smtp_host' => 'smtp.mail.ru',
    'smtp_user' => 'user',
    'smtp_pass' => 'pass',

ION_AUTH 向我发送错误 - 激活 unseccesefull 请帮助我!在用户输入的数据库中,但邮件不是通过 SMTP 发送的。如何在电子邮件简报 ION_AUTH 中显示类的调试信息?


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