(1) 元素列表和它们所在的集合的索引
(2) 使用仅出现在其中的元素的集合的索引来填充答案列表
(3) 梳理 (1) 中的映射,如果元素的集合索引不在答案列表中,将元素所在的最小集合的索引添加到答案中。
import Data.List (nub, minimumBy, intersect)
sets = [["a","b","c","e"],["a","b","d"],["a","c","e"]]
lengths = map length sets
--List elements and the indexes of sets they are in
mapped = foldr map [] (nub . concat $ sets) where
map a b = comb (a,[]) sets 0 : b
comb result [] _ = result
comb (a,list) (x:xs) index | elem a x = comb (a,index:list) xs (index + 1)
| otherwise = comb (a,list) xs (index + 1)
--List indexes of sets that have elements that appear only in them
haveUnique = map (head . snd)
. filter (\(element,list) -> null . drop 1 $ list)
$ mapped
--Comb the map and if an element's set-index is not in the answer list,
--add to the answer the index of the smallest set that element is in.
answer = foldr comb haveUnique mapped where
comb (a,list) b
| not . null . intersect list $ b = b
| otherwise =
minimumBy (\setIndexA setIndexB ->
compare (lengths!!setIndexA) (lengths!!setIndexB)) list : b
*Main> sets
*Main> mapped
*Main> haveUnique
*Main> answer