
CLLocation *myLoc = self.locMgr.location;

        MKPointAnnotation *middleAnnotation = [locationV.annotations objectAtIndex:locationV.annotations.count/2];

        CLLocation *someStuiodLoc = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:middleAnnotation.coordinate.latitude longitude:middleAnnotation.coordinate.longitude];

        CLLocationDistance dist = [myLoc distanceFromLocation:someStuiodLoc];



3 回答 3

#define ToRadian(x) ((x) * M_PI/180)
#define ToDegrees(x) ((x) * 180/M_PI)

+ (CLLocationCoordinate2D)midpointBetweenCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)c1 andCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)c2 
          c1.latitude = ToRadian(c1.latitude); 
          c2.latitude = ToRadian(c2.latitude);
          CLLocationDegrees dLon = ToRadian(c2.longitude - c1.longitude); 
          CLLocationDegrees bx = cos(c2.latitude) * cos(dLon); 
          CLLocationDegrees by = cos(c2.latitude) * sin(dLon);
          CLLocationDegrees latitude = atan2(sin(c1.latitude) + sin(c2.latitude), sqrt((cos(c1.latitude) + bx) * (cos(c1.latitude) + bx) + by*by));
          CLLocationDegrees longitude = ToRadian(c1.longitude) + atan2(by, cos(c1.latitude) + bx);

           CLLocationCoordinate2D midpointCoordinate; 
           midpointCoordinate.longitude = ToDegrees(longitude); 
           midpointCoordinate.latitude = ToDegrees(latitude);

           return midpointCoordinate;
于 2013-05-31T06:32:37.030 回答

我在 Swift 中编写了库函数来计算多个坐标之间的中点,如下所示:

//        /** Degrees to Radian **/

class func degreeToRadian(angle:CLLocationDegrees) -> CGFloat{

    return (  (CGFloat(angle)) / 180.0 * CGFloat(M_PI)  )


//        /** Radians to Degrees **/

class func radianToDegree(radian:CGFloat) -> CLLocationDegrees{

    return CLLocationDegrees(  radian * CGFloat(180.0 / M_PI)  )


class func middlePointOfListMarkers(listCoords: [CLLocationCoordinate2D]) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D{

    var x = 0.0 as CGFloat

    var y = 0.0 as CGFloat

    var z = 0.0 as CGFloat

    for coordinate in listCoords{

        var lat:CGFloat = degreeToRadian(coordinate.latitude)

        var lon:CGFloat = degreeToRadian(coordinate.longitude)

        x = x + cos(lat) * cos(lon)

        y = y + cos(lat) * sin(lon);

        z = z + sin(lat);


    x = x/CGFloat(listCoords.count)

    y = y/CGFloat(listCoords.count)

    z = z/CGFloat(listCoords.count)

    var resultLon: CGFloat = atan2(y, x)

    var resultHyp: CGFloat = sqrt(x*x+y*y)

    var resultLat:CGFloat = atan2(z, resultHyp)

    var newLat = radianToDegree(resultLat)

    var newLon = radianToDegree(resultLon)

    var result:CLLocationCoordinate2D = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: newLat, longitude: newLon)

    return result



于 2015-05-21T03:19:27.343 回答

您可以使用中点公式 ( http://www.purplemath.com/modules/midpoint.htm ) 计算两个坐标的中点,如果距离小于 500 英里,该公式将非常接近实际的地理点。如果您认为地球是球形的,那么将涉及对点的更复杂的处理。

于 2013-05-31T05:41:45.643 回答