当映射中的键数很大(例如 100000)并且它的每个第二个元素也有很大的元素(例如 100000)时,以下代码的运行时间,并行比较,需要永远。
有没有可能加快比较的方法?我的 CPU 是 Xeon E5450 3.00G 4 核。拉姆很公平。
// There is a map with long as its key and vector<long> as second element,
// the vector's elements are increasing sorted.
map<long, vector<long> > = aMap() ;
map<long, vector<long> >::iterator it1 = aMap.begin() ;
map<long, vector<long> >::iterator it2;
// the code need compare each key's second elements
for( ; it1 != aMap.end(); it1++ ) {
it2 = it1;
// Parallel comparsion: THE MOST TIME CONSUMING PART
for( ; it2 != aMap.end(); it2++ ) {
unsigned long i = 0, j = 0, _union = 0, _inter = 0 ;
while( i < it1->second.size() && j < it2->second.size() ) {
if( it1->second[i] < it2->second[j] ) {
} else if( it1->second[i] > it2->second[j] ) {
} else {
i++; j++; _inter++;
_union = it1->second.size() + it2->second.size() - _inter;
if ( (double) _inter / _union > THRESH )
cout << it1->first << " might appears frequently with " << it2->first << endl;