
    Sub UpdateSummary()

    Dim rng3 As Range, sh As Worksheet, lastRow As Long

    'the "sample" work sheet has the total # of rows; used to count # rows
    'which will be needed from each of the other worksheets

    lastRow = Worksheet("sample").Range("J3").End(xlDown).Row

    'the workbook has multiple worksheets numbered from 1 to n

    For Each sh In Worksheets
         If sh.Name <> "summary" _
         And sh.Name <> "sample" Then

         'if i don't add the +1 it's short by 1
          Set rng3 = sh.Range("C4:C" & lastRow + 1)


           'using Transpose so for each sh its range goes into the summary as 
           'rows (starts from F4 because the top 3 rows are headers)
           Worksheets("summary").Range("F4").PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
         End If
       Next sh
    End Sub

在考虑这一点时......我认为它需要的部分内容是计算将复制/转置范围的工作表的数量 - 并将该工作表的总数用作数据将被转置的行数?


    Sub CalcSummary()
      'vba to calculate summary
      'for all worksheets except sample and summary
      'select range to copy values
      'transpose values onto summary sheet

      Dim rng3 As Range
      Dim sh As Worksheet
      Dim cases As Long
      Dim items As Long
      Dim trng As Range

      cases = Worksheets("sample").Range("A3").End(xlUp).Row
      items = Worksheets("sample").Range("J3").End(xlDown).Row
      Set trng = Worksheets("summary").Range("F4")

      For Each sh In Worksheets

        If sh.Name <> "summary" _
        And sh.Name <> "sample" Then
          Set rng3 = sh.Range("C4:C" & items + 1)

            With trng
              .PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
            End With
          Set trng = trng.Offset(1, 0)
        End If
      Next sh
      MsgBox "Summary sheet updated successfully."

    End Sub



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