我在 VS2012 中有 2 个项目。一个是 wcf 库项目。第二个项目是一个访问 wcf 服务的简单 asp.net 站点。

在这种环境下如何配置 Fiddler 来回捕获 wcf 流量?该网页托管在 IIS Expresshttp://localhost:50348/test.aspx 中 WCF 文件托管在 WCF 服务主机中,http://localhost/8733 我正在使用 Fiddler


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Fiddler has a filters option in which you can specify the name of your computer. Here's the steps:

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of fiddler
  2. Click on the "Filters" tab (in the same line of Inspectors).
  3. Click on "Use Filters"
  4. In the text area enter the name of your computer.
  5. Left click on the request area (so it will be saved).

If everything went well, fiddler has a green arrow on the Filters tab. Just browse to the website using your machine name so instead of:


Go to

于 2013-05-30T21:14:29.060 回答