I've been using the Enthought Python Distribution for about a month, and like it a lot. I test my code in ipython, which gives me the following when I launch it in a terminal :

Enthought Python Distribution -- www.enthought.com

Python 2.7.3 |EPD 7.3-2 (64-bit)| (default, Apr 12 2012, 11:14:05) 
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.12.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

I'm now looking for an IDE, and I've come across problems with Canopy - specifically, getting it to use my Enthought distribution as their live consoles, much like my ipython works.

I can't find anywhere to change the interpreter under Canopy. When it launches, it gives me

Welcome to Canopy's interactive data-analysis environment!
 with pylab-backend set to: None
Type '?' for more information.

This isn't using EPD, and thus, isn't using any of the packages that I've got installed.

Any ideas would be fantastic !



1 回答 1



简而言之,目前还没有办法改变 Canopy 中的解释器。但是,Canopy 是建立在 EPD 的改进版本之上的。

因此,您需要将软件包重新安装到 Canopy 中。但是,即使 Python 已更新(例如最终更新到 2.7.5),您也不应该再次这样做——而对于 EPD,每当解释器更改时,您都必须重新安装并从头开始。

如果您确实安装了 Canopy 1.0.0,请务必在安装其他软件包之前更新到 1.0.1(从帮助菜单)。

于 2013-05-30T20:44:55.967 回答