
我从这里了解到:http ://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=94007它会在执行“本地”行和到达下一个块的末尾之间临时更改变量的值。但是,它似乎也“回滚”了 perl 阅读光标?它似乎保留了以前的$_。

这些是我的 perl 脚本的要求:

在标准输入上,读取一个文本文件。如果当前行匹配==,则将行上的字符串打印为具有相应格式的html片段(==,===,====中的每个格式不同)如果它包含!,打印!之前的部分 作为属性名称和 ! 之后的部分 直到下一个!作为值(可能跨越多行)。


$ cat dummy_spec.txt
== title1 (level 1) ==
=== title2 (level 2) ===
title2p2 !
title2p2 ! Line 1
title2p1 ! 
echo "$tam ta" 
title2p3 !
title2p2 ! Li
ne split
==== title3 (level 3) ====
title3p1 !


#!/usr/bin/env perl 
my $propName='';
my $propVal='';
while (<>){
    #print "new loop number $., contents $_ \n";

    my $str=$_;
    chomp $str;

    if ($str=~/==\s+.+\s+==/)#If line is a Category, print category
        print "\t\t\t<tr class=\"category\"><td colspan=\"2\">$str</td></tr>\n";
    } elsif($str=~/===\s+.+\s+===/)#If line is a list, print list title
        print "\t\t\t<tr class=\"list\"><td colspan=\"2\">$str</td></tr>\n";
    } elsif($str=~/====\s+.+\s+====/)#If line is an item, print item title
        print "\t\t\t<tr class=\"item\"><td>$str</td></tr>\n";
    } elsif($str=~/!/)#If line is a property, print name and value
        ($propName,$propVal)=split '!', $_;
        chop $propVal;
        print "This is a property ($.) with name : $propName and first line : $propVal \n";
        local $/ = "!\n";
        if(<>){#custom $/ should still be in scope here.            
            $propVal="$propVal -~- $_";
            print "This is a property ($.) with name : $propName and value : $propVal \n";



$ cat dummy_spec.txt |./multi 
            <tr class="category"><td colspan="2"> title1 (level 1) </td></tr>
            <tr class="category"><td colspan="2"> title2 (level 2) </td></tr>
This is a property (3) with name : title2p2  and first line :  
This is a property (4) with name : title2p2  and value :  -~- title2p2  
This is a property (5) with name : title2p2  and first line :  Line 1 
This is a property (6) with name : title2p2  and value :  Line 1 -~- title2p2 ! Line 1

This is a property (7) with name : title2p1  and first line :   
This is a property (8) with name : title2p1  and value :   -~- title2p1 ! 

This is a property (9) with name : title2p3  and first line :  
This is a property (10) with name : title2p3  and value :  -~- title2p3  
This is a property (11) with name : title2p2  and first line :  Li 
This is a property (12) with name : title2p2  and value :  Li -~- title2p2 ! Li

            <tr class="category"><td colspan="2"> title3 (level 3) </td></tr>
This is a property (14) with name : title3p1  and first line :  
This is a property (15) with name : title3p1  and value :  -~- title3p1  

似乎它也“回滚” perl 阅读光标?它打印前一个 $_。

我也很抱歉,因为我的 perl 非常基础。


1 回答 1


您没有$_在更改值的范围内分配给 ,而$/只是从输入中读取并使用读取行作为 if 语句的条件。

$_只有当<>运算符是循环条件的唯一内容时才会发生从文件读取时对变量的神奇赋值while ,它不适用于if语句的条件。请参阅I/O Operators 文档中的第四段。

您可能希望将该 if 语句更改为:

if(defined ($_ = <>))
于 2013-05-30T17:02:32.220 回答