
[2072]  Anonymous
Q-0 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.14    Student (Graduate/ Undergraduate)
Q-1 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.00    
Q-1 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.00    1|1|1|1|4|
Q-2 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 1.00    1-3
Q-3 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.50    Male
Q-4 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.33    18-24
Q-5 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 1.00    
Q-6 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.00    Prefer not to answer
Q-7 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.50    Yes
Q-8 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.13    Bachelor's Degree
Q-9 [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.00    Other
Q-10    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.00    Mathematics
Q-11    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.33    High school
Q-11    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.33    College (introductory courses)
Q-12    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 1.00    Professional
Q-13    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.50    Mac OS X
Q-14    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.25    Every week
Q-15    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.00    A test that proves or disproves of some abstract theory about the world
Q-16    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.00    
Q-17    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 2.00    Yes
Q-18    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.00    
Q-19    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.20    Timely feedback from the instructor
Q-20    [01] Sat 25 May 2013  7:43 PM UTC +0000 0.00    



2 回答 2


重要的步骤是描绘每个受访者的区块。重写文件以在每一行前面加上受访者的 ID 怎么样?例如,在“匿名”的情况下,我看到“2072”。

import re

f = open('new_file', 'w')
for line in open('filename'):
    # line might be like [####] Student_Name or Q-...
    m = re.match('\[(\d+)\] .*', line)
    if m:
        # Line is like [####] Student_name.
        respondent_id = m.group(1)
    # Line is like Q-...
    # Write new line like #### Q-...
    f.write(str(respondent_id) + line)

然后使用 pandas read_csv 加载这个修改后的文件,将前两列分配给索引。(它们将是一个MultiIndex。)然后使用unstack将 Qs 的索引旋转到列中。


于 2013-05-30T15:28:01.830 回答


import re

f = open('new_file', 'w')
for line in open('filename'):
    m = re.match('\[\d+\]*', line)
    if m:
        respondent_id = m.group()
    f.write(str(respondent_id) + line)
于 2013-05-30T16:21:40.933 回答