- 第一个有一个基本的总工资计算器。
- 第二个可以选择税收并进行更改。
我的问题是如何从视图 1 中获取信息,即数字,并将它们用于视图 2,而无需重新输入数字?
我也在使用 .xib 而不是 Storybords。
@synthesize totalpay, overtime;
//initWithNibName information is in here
//View did load and memory
//button to calculate the inputed hours and hourly pay
- (IBAction)calculate:(id)sender
NSString *inVal = _hours.text;
NSString *inVal2 = _pay.text;
double hours = [inVal doubleValue];
double pay = [inVal2 doubleValue];
//check for overtime
overtime = hours - 40;
if( overtime > 0 )
totalpay = (( pay * 1.5) * overtime ) + (( hours - overtime ) * pay );
_overtimeOutput.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Overtime Pay this week: $%.2f", totalpay];
totalpay = hours * pay;
_baseOutput.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Pay this week: $%.2f", totalpay];