这对我来说非常有效,它将处理(例如)与您的 SP 中一样多的选择列表。请注意,您必须先关闭 $call,然后才能从 SP 获取 OUT 参数...
$call = mysqli_prepare($db, 'CALL test_lists(?, ?, @result)');
if($call == false) {
echo "mysqli_prepare (\$db, 'CALL test_lists(?, ?, @result) FAILED!!!\n";
} else {
// A couple of example IN parameters for your SP...
$s_1 = 4;
$s_2 = "Hello world!";
// Here we go (safer way of avoiding SQL Injections)...
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($call, 'is', $s_1, $s_2);
// Make the call...
if(mysqli_stmt_execute($call) == false) {
echo "mysqli_stmt_execute(\$call) FAILED!!!\n";
} else {
// Loop until we run out of Recordsets...
$set = 0;
while ($recordset = mysqli_stmt_get_result($call)) {
echo "\nRecordset #" . $set . "...\n";
if ($recordset->num_rows > 0) {
$ctr = 0;
while ($row = $recordset->fetch_assoc()) {
echo "\t" . $ctr . ": ";
forEach($row as $key => $val) {
echo "[" . $key . "] " . $val . "\t";
echo "\n";
echo $recordset->num_rows . " record" . ($recordset->num_rows == 1 ? "" : "s") . ".\n";
// Clean up, ready for next iteration...
// See if we can get another Recordset...
// Then you have to close the $call...
// ...in order to get to the SP's OUT parameters...
$select = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT @result");
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($select);
$result = $row[0];
echo "\nOUT @result = " . $result . "\n";
这就是使用我的 test_lists SP 时上述代码的输出...
Recordset #1...
1: [s_1] 4 [user_name] Andrew Foster
2: [s_1] 4 [user_name] Cecil
3: [s_1] 4 [user_name] Sheff
3 records.
Recordset #2...
1: [s_2] Hello world! [section_description] The Law
2: [s_2] Hello world! [section_description] History
3: [s_2] Hello world! [section_description] Wisdom Literature
4: [s_2] Hello world! [section_description] The Prophets
5: [s_2] Hello world! [section_description] The Life of Jesus and the Early Church
6: [s_2] Hello world! [section_description] Letters from the Apostle Paul
7: [s_2] Hello world! [section_description] Other Letters from Apostles and Prophets
8: [s_2] Hello world! [section_description] Prophecy - warnings for the present and revelation of the future
8 records.
OUT @result = 16