当我从 ADFS2.0 服务器请求令牌时,我已经为我的 nodejs 应用程序使用了 passport-saml。我可以使用有效的用户名和密码登录服务器,登录后出现错误页面
There was a problem accessing the site. Try to browse to the site again.
If the problem persists, contact the administrator of this site and provide the reference
number to identify the problem.
Reference number: 321b1aac-fea7-4ae4-8e07-665c343903fa
Adfs 事件查看器上显示的错误是
The request specified an assertion consumer service that is not configured or not
supported on the relying party 'https://sample.company.com'.
Request parameters: '', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST','https://sample.company.com'
Relying party: https://sample.company.com
This request failed.
我在网上搜索但尚未找到确切答案,我不知道如何为属性上的端点选项卡配置依赖方信任。我必须提供什么 url,对于来自 ADFS 的 SAML 请求和响应,我有什么需要做的吗?