I have a query like this:
SELECT TV.Descrizione as TipoVers,
sum(ImportoVersamento) as ImpTot,
count(*) as N,
month(DataAllibramento) as Mese
FROM PROC_Versamento V
left outer join dbo.PROC_TipoVersamento TV
on V.IDTipoVersamento = TV.IDTipoVersamento
inner join dbo.PROC_PraticaRiscossione PR
on V.IDPraticaRiscossioneAssociata = PR.IDPratica
inner join dbo.DA_Avviso A
on PR.IDDatiAvviso = A.IDAvviso
where DataAllibramento between '2012-09-08' and '2012-09-17' and A.IDFornitura = 4
group by V.IDTipoVersamento,month(DataAllibramento),TV.Descrizione
order by V.IDTipoVersamento,month(DataAllibramento)
This query must always return something. If no result is produced a
0 0 0 0
row must be returned. How can I do this. Use a isnull for every selected field isn't usefull.